Hurunui cloud formation

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Hurunui cloud formation

Unread post by Richard »


Growing up as a kid Rangiora this cloud formation would from behind Mt-Grey to the north. Tony in Amberley would probably see it to the NW behind the Doctors range, this cloud forms around 10 times a year?
Its always at the start of a NW wind points to evaporation from the lakes being lifted over the Hurunui-Pecks range.

Todays cloud -

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Location: Medbury, Inland North Canterbury

Re: Hurunui cloud formation

Unread post by Richard »

With the start of the NW wind flow comes the Hurunui cloud, not the best one Ive seen though.
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Joined: Tue 14/07/2009 07:32
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Re: Hurunui cloud formation

Unread post by Richard »

A good example this morning
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