General January Weather

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Re: General January Weather

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Bradley wrote: Wed 15/01/2025 11:39 ChCh Airport averaging 17.7C for a max for the first half of January, a full 1.4C colder then the next coldest January recorded in 97'. Will be interesting to see what the 2nd half of the month brings...
Some mean minimums and maximum temperatures from last January + difference from normal on the monthly mean. A warm January last year.
Auckland aero,17.5C- 25.7C, +1.6C
Gisborne, 15.7C-25.C, +1.1C
Wellington aero, 16C-23.4C, +1.9C
Christchurch aero, 12.8C-24C, +1.3C
Christchurch Gardens 13.8C-24.7C, +1.8C.
Dunedin aero 9.8C-22.6C, +0.9C
Invercargill aero, 10.1C-19.5C, +0.6C
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Re: General January Weather

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Bradley wrote: Wed 15/01/2025 11:39 ChCh Airport averaging 17.7C for a max for the first half of January, a full 1.4C colder then the next coldest January recorded in 97'. Will be interesting to see what the 2nd half of the month brings...
I'd expect the mean max to end up in the 19.x C somewhere. I'd be very interested in knowing what the coldest January mean temp record is though (possibly 97?).

Currently 13.4c mean as at Jan 14th the airport site.
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Re: General January Weather

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Bit brighter today with overcast cloudy skies but not as dull and claggy as yesterday. Light easterly winds and a maximum of 17.2C.
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Re: General January Weather

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19C today. Cloudy conditions but a bit brighter and some blue skies appearing. Light winds
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Re: General January Weather

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Started off sunny this morning but gradually clouded over as the day wore on. Much milder than previous days with today's maximum being 20.7C.
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Re: General January Weather

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With the breezy weather and low rainfall here over recent weeks the garden is getting very dry. Still on track for heavy rain over the upper North Island from late Monday, some downpours and thunderstorms on Tuesday. I will be away so next week so will miss this next system, the garden should get a good drink.
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Re: General January Weather

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the temperature is slowly picking up here in christchurch in the past couple of days and through the next few days, will finally get above average temperatures this month.
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Re: General January Weather

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Temperature here also picking up despite the persistent cloudy conditions we are experiencing so far this year.
Fine patches this afternoon but a generally cloudy day with a NE breeze. 23.2C here today.
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Re: General January Weather

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I see MS have issued Heavy Rain Watches for Northland from Monday morning and for Auckland, Great Barrier Island and the Coromandel from early Tuesday morning. Strong (Easterly) Wind Watches are also in force for all those areas on Tuesday morning...

MetService - Severe Weather Warnings

Heavy rain and gales for northern parts of the North Island

A subtropical low and preceding front move southwards over northern parts of the North Island from Monday onwards, bringing easterly gales and periods of heavy rain.
Watches for Heavy Rain and Severe Gales are now in force.
Stay up to date with the latest forecasts in case changes are made, or more areas added.

Heavy Rain Watch

Area: Northland
Period: 27hrs from 7am Mon, 20 Jan - 10am Tue, 21 Jan
Forecast: Periods of heavy rain are expected north of Kaikohe from Monday morning, especially in the east. Heavy rain is expected to become more widespread through Northland from Monday evening onwards. Rainfall amounts may approach warning criteria. Thunderstorms and localised downpours are possible, especially from Monday evening. Moderate chance of upgrading to a Warning.

Area: Auckland and Great Barrier Island
Period: 12hrs from 1am - 1pm Tue, 21 Jan
Forecast: Periods of heavy rain, and amounts may approach warning criteria. Moderate chance of upgrading to a Warning.

Area: Coromandel Peninsula
Period: 14hrs from 4am - 6pm Tue, 21 Jan
Forecast: Periods of heavy rain. Amounts may approach warning criteria, especially in the ranges. Moderate chance of upgrading to a Warning.

Strong Wind Watch

Area: Northland
Period: 7hrs from 1am - 8am Tue, 21 Jan
Forecast: Easterly winds may approach severe gale in exposed places. Moderate chance of upgrading to a Warning.

Area: Auckland, Great Barrier Island and Coromandel Peninsula
Period: 6hrs from 5am - 11am Tue, 21 Jan
Forecast: Easterly winds may approach severe gale in exposed places. Moderate chance of upgrading to a Warning.

Issued: 9:42am Sun, 19 Jan
Next update: 9pm Sun, 19 Jan
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Re: General January Weather

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Looks like we are heading back into a simular phase like back in November early December soon.
The W-NW flow with occasional SW, this will see those temperatures back into the mid to upper 20,s.
A quick taste on Thursday before returning again on the weekend.

EC is going for high winds next weekend, while GFS is throwing out hints of a decent thunderstorm set up for the 26th.
Meanwhile the tropics continue to fire up.
A busy few months ahead perhaps 🤔
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Re: General January Weather

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Storm Struck wrote: Sun 19/01/2025 16:58 Looks like we are heading back into a simular phase like back in November early December soon.
The W-NW flow with occasional SW, this will see those temperatures back into the mid to upper 20,s.
A quick taste on Thursday before returning again on the weekend.

EC is going for high winds next weekend, while GFS is throwing out hints of a decent thunderstorm set up for the 26th.
Meanwhile the tropics continue to fire up.
A busy few months ahead perhaps 🤔
Indeed, from mid November through later December the MJO took us on a grand loop from phase 2 all the way around to phase 6. The current forecast has us taking the same path in the next 3 weeks. So a similar pattern, but somewhat compressed.
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Re: General January Weather

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Interesting to see what happens in the next few weeks, back to normal summery weather for late January and February. especially here in Geraldine and other places along the east coast.
....anyway it was back to the clagg here today with some rain from dawn and some drizzly showers this morning. 4.7mm fo today. 16.5C today with light southerlies.
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Re: General January Weather

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MS now have an Orange Heavy Rain Warning for Northland from 3pm today and for the Coromandel from 6am on Tuesday morning. Northland also has a Severe Thunderstorm Watch overnight tonight.

Heavy Rain Watches remain for Auckland and Great Barrier Island from 4am Tuesday morning and for Gisborne/Tairawhiti from 3pm Tuesday.

Strong Wind Watches also remain for Northland, Auckland, Great Barrier Island and the Coromandel on Tuesday morning.
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Re: General January Weather

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A last! A blue dome day, well nearly. There were a couple of clouds around this afternoon but basically, it was a welcomed sunny day with light to moderate NE winds with 24C the maximum for today. Hope for more sun tomorrow.
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Re: General January Weather

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A second sunny day: the situation is becoming serious ;-)

Mares' tails streaming up from the south; a chemtrail contrail showing aloft from a passing aircraft, so perhaps a change coming.

11.9°C, expecting 23°C; 1010.6hPa, slight northerly.
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Re: General January Weather

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Been a few nearby rumbles out in the Gulf earlier this arvo.

Ended up with a very welcome 23mm here since last night. Don't think Akld got much though?

Parts of Northland have had around 50-70mm today by the looks (bringing Kerikeri Aero's 3 day total to 144mm).
Whitianga up to about 70mm so far today...
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Re: General January Weather

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It’s a non event here, 5mm
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Re: General January Weather

Unread post by cbm »

Only 0.8mm here. These subtropical lows from the North are so hit and miss this time of year. Things were absolutely lush up until the end of December but have really dried out now. Maybe a better chance this Saturday but won't be surprised if same happens again.

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Re: General January Weather

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Fine overnight and sunny this morning and becoming warm despite a light east to SE breeze here for much of the day. 24C for today.
Increasing high cloud this afternoon especially to the west but clearing away this evening.
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Re: General January Weather

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first day this year for my station to get to 22C today was, took 22 days, and that is still not even the average high for january (average for 1991-2020 is 22.5C.)
Should have our first 25C+ day tomorrow though.
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Re: General January Weather

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cbm wrote: Tue 21/01/2025 20:02 Only 0.8mm here. These subtropical lows from the North are so hit and miss this time of year. Things were absolutely lush up until the end of December but have really dried out now. Maybe a better chance this Saturday but won't be surprised if same happens again.

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The frontal activity later Saturday/Sunday morning could be active with thunderstorms, something to watch.

In Sydney this week, up 35C here today before a cooler change with some weak looking thundery showers.
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Re: General January Weather

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Fine warm day here today with light easterly breezes. A wee bit hazy though. Up to 25C for a while this afternoon.
Might be a rumble or 2 tomorrow with the southerly change but nothing much to issue a STW.
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Re: General January Weather

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A NW wind has come up around 10.00 this morning, the first for the year. nice and warm too with 27deg
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Re: General January Weather

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Southerly has just arrived.
Temp now 24.4°C, 52% humidity, 999.0hPa.
Overcast developing quickly from the south.
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Re: General January Weather

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Brief shower cell around inland Rakaia threw out a couple of strikes just before, looks to have been some hail there too.
Still breezy NE here but can see the southerly signature on the radar coming up.
Probably just a smattering of showers tonight with this front.
Maximum of 22.4C so far much warmer inland with the NW
Canterbury, home of good rugby and severe storms