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Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 16:34
by Razor
gopolks wrote:In my part of town, it just looks like a cloudy miserable cold NE type day.

I cant see it raining anytime soon.
You may want to reassess. Hailing/ graupelling quite heavily here in Riccarton at the moment

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 16:36
by gopolks
hehehehehe, I suck!!!!!!!!!

It just started to rain here, very light, but icy!

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 16:36
by mikestormchaser
Yes razor i agree looking dark towards the S now as those clouds have gotten more moisture in them, not sure what the temp is right now though.
Been another dull one in Christchurch though cold and, dull! how boring. ](*,)

Re: Big SI northwesterly storm 10th/11th Aug

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 16:37
by southernthrash
Gary Roberts wrote: Yep, although having said that we got some grapfel (sp?) a few minutes ago. Clear again now though.
yea we had a little sleet and small hail here earlier too.
I beg to differ. There has been less snow this year than in previous years, nd there was bugger all snow in those years too. I work on mountaintops quite often and I cannot recall a time when there has been so little snow up on them.
Depends where you are I guess, I know parts of canterbury aren't going so well, like the craigieburns, but by all accounts Mt Hutt is miles better than 2005. But I ride in the southern lakes, mainly coronet and remarks, and to be quite honest, while the depth has been down slightly at remarkables (coronet is about bang on mean snow depth) the very cold conditions early on have ensured the snowpack has lasted well up till when the goods arrive, ie now. Hell I've spent just as much time in backbowls so far this year as I have any other year. By the way, I never said the snow was fantastic, or tried to exaggerate, although it has been pretty good, I simply countered your statements that implied that all the skifields are crap this year. Which is rubbish. One more thing, snow guns? Der.

Yep it happens, some of us go up there and enjoy it twhen it actually is good. Snow reports are run through the marketing dept. after all. That's what webcams and the osc climate station etc.. are for.
I'm quite fond of it myself, but not to the extent that I will pretend it exists when it doesn't.
I'm not pretending it doesn't exist, simply clearing up rather misleading statements made by yourself.
OONCE-OONCE-OONCE-"RAD-WICKED-RAD-WICKED!"-OONCE-OONCE-OONCE-"RAD-WICKED-RAD-WICKED!"-OONCE-OONCE-OONCE... Troyz, Shanez, and the Boyz in their lowered Legacy wih Milo tin exhaust, doing 180 kph through the town and past the school...


"So I said to Penelope, why don't - TRISTRAM! Stay away from those people! They're wearing *overalls* for God's sake! - Where was I? Oh that's right, I asked Penelope why we don't just get the money from her Uncle - you remember him? He's on the board at Fletchers... - Anyway, I told her that we should just get the money for the new tennis courts from - Oh. My. God! Jemima, don't look. Behind you. There's a woman who looks as if she fell asleep at the end of the 2005 season and she's just woke up still wearing the same ski pants! Honestly, they'll let just *anybody* into this place nowadays! But as I was saying, the new courts..." - Annabelle Forbes-Smythe, on her cellphone just before she blasts away through the town at 180kph in the Porsche Cayenne her dad bought her.
yes there are idiots who like snowsports, but you get that with anything... ;) but the example you just made is a dangerous and misleading stereotype, and any time other than the july school holidays, nearly non existent.
Then the reports come from trustworthy sources, rather than skifield operators, I'll start cartwheeling around my office.
Such as the mountain safety council? Farmers? Truck Drivers? All generally pretty trustworthy with these things, getting it right is a bit more important to them....
I believe things (and report them) when I see them. You pray for snow. See the difference?
and I have seen and heard reports of this happening. You discredit things you don't like/can't handle.

You come across as one ignorant prat, with a seemingly limited knowledge of something you spout about like some sort of pseudo expert.

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 16:38
by southernthrash
Gary Roberts wrote:
Oh yes, that's right: I was being objective, whereas you hate it if other people don't see snow in every cloud as you do.


:twisted: ](*,)
The irony there is fantastic, GOLD! =D>

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 16:45
by gopolks
Well that didnt last long, and theres more blue sky now, I guess its one of those things where the weather is located locally.

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 16:47
by gopolks
5.8 degrees


barometer is raising 1022.

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 17:03
by gllitz
Saucer of milk...table for two....MREOW!!!

(Perhaps those 2 should have their own thread somewhere else, so we can go THERE and be entertained...rather than sifting it out in this thread?)
Just a thought....

I AM enjoying the banter, however! :D :D

(mind the language, need for that, I say! [-X [-X [-X [-X )

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 17:18
by southernthrash
cleaned up the language, got a bit carried away.

I've been reading this board for a while not, but have never gotten around to signing up, but gary's ignorant and plain stupid comments just drove me over the edge. I had to do something! I have recieved a supportive PM from one member... very interesting.

I would love to get a really meaty argument from gary about anything weather related, coz I'm pretty sure I could tear it to shreds. Haha.

back on topic again, cold and grey in dunedin, and that's about all I can say as I'm stuck inside dammit.

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 17:20
by RWood
I must say it's been most enjoyable being on the sidelines for a little "discussion" like this one. :D

Makes a change from battling a bunch of looney-tunes types on an Oz forum where, if necessary, those who try to deny any evidence of rising global temps. (let alone admit that humans might have something to do with it) will cheerfully rewrite physics. Must be a lot of Nobel prizes on the way! :lol: Bunch of stupid dishonest p*":&*, the lot of them.

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 17:26
by Storm Struck
Seems as though a wee trough has flicked the east coast perhaps in the last hour as it was clearing from about 1pm this afternoon.
Then about 4pm the first shower that came through was sleety followed by a heavier sleet shower which means the snow level must be around 200-300m.
Looks like the belt was only breif so a clearance looks likly now as the radars dont show much :evil: .

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 17:57
by gopolks
Yep, its even looks like a frost in my part of town.

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 18:22
by Dean.
Im a skier (well used to be,not much snow around these parts),who used tp spin up Mt Hutt in my Hillman Hunter with roof racks listening to Pink Floyd.Hope I dont fall into that oonce oonce category!.

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 18:32
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
On and off cold type of showers here today but I haven't been concentrating much on the weather today as my father passed away suddenly this morning. :(
Also my thermometer broke in the screen when the NW blew it over on Saturday :(
I have temporary recording means in the meanwhilst. :)


Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 19:08
by RWood
Sorry to hear that news John.

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 20:02
by gllitz
NZ Thunderstorm Soc wrote:On and off cold type of showers here today but I haven't been concentrating much on the weather today as my father passed away suddenly this morning. :(
Also my thermometer broke in the screen when the NW blew it over on Saturday :(
I have temporary recording means in the meanwhilst. :)

My sincere condolences to you and yours, John. :( :(

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 20:14
by tich
You may want to reassess. Hailing/ graupelling quite heavily here in Riccarton at the moment
Must've been localsied - nothing around Hillmorton then, nor when I was cycling back home from work to central city about 6.30pm.
Radar still shows something around Timaru this evening.

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 22:07
by Manukau heads obs
sorry to hear of your lose there John

Re: Northwesterly storm 10-12/08/07

Posted: Mon 13/08/2007 22:16
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
Thanks for the condolences. Weather clearing here and becoming fine. Roll on the anticyclone :)
