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Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 17:14
by Snowflake
Hey, Has anyone got the latest pic of the rain heading to chch. Trying all damm day to get on the METSERVICE website, just to see the rain band coming. So not fair. Could someone post on here the latest info for us to look at.

We should get heaps of rain soon reading off NZ Herald. Be safe everyone in Canterbury. No deaths down here ok.

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 17:15
by Razor
Don't start us on the Metservie website Snowflake.... q-

Heavy rain in ChCh CBD has arrived and is settling in now. Watch out for the Heatcote and Avon Rivers overnight and in the morning....

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 17:22
by gllitz
Latest GFS attached for those who want it...Still showing lots of precip...around 60-70mm with this system...the wee blip at MON/TUES will probably become a separate thread, so no comment right now :-# [-X [-X ....we'll just get thru this system first....

(Yes, I know the 0-84 hour one better to use...blah, blah, blah.....just giving a broader, overall picture...)

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 17:41
by trickytiger
I have attached the 5pm rain radar for those that want it. I still have pretty good access to metservice

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 17:44
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
03Stormchaser wrote:Edited the title to include rest of the mainland, seeing as Nelson and Picton have been badly affected by this weather event.
Good on you , Steve. :D


Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 17:51
by Ryan Thomas
Not really raining in this part of town yet

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 17:55
by Inny Binny
The rain has finally set in, moderate-ish at the moment.

Very calm though. Jeff recording no wind at all!

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 18:48
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
The rain has, sort of stopped and it's rather calm??? >_<


Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 18:51
by melja
Not calm here further north its just cranked up some more with gusts to 50kmh and 11.4mm since 4pm

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 18:51
by Storm Struck
Mainly light rain at the moment here but the easterly is beginning to pick up getting some good strong gusts now.
I think that may also be another thing to watch for overnight.

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 19:16
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
Raining again, but it is still calm?
Barometer not doing much :>


Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 20:15
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
Raining now, quite nicely, with not much wind.
Will post a report on my weather blog later tonight. :smile:


Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 20:23
by melja
16mm now and the barometer has just started to go down fast

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 20:26
by TonyT
Yes, 17mm here now too, and the intensity is ramping up steadily. Interesting that up the road at Cheviot the rain started much earlier than here (drizzle turned to proper rain here around 2pm, yet by then Brian's flash new Cheviot site already had 25mm in the gauge).

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 20:47
by Storm Struck
Steady rain now wind just about on gale force too, now things are getting interesting.
I would say Marlborough is getting a far pounding at the moment.

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 20:59
by carrot
Light winds, fairly light rain in chch. :yawn:

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 21:10
by 03Stormchaser
looking at marlboough and a couple of sites have recorded over 100mm for the last 24hrs, I can only think the heavy rain is going to last overnight there.

Up to 70mm+ recorded in North Canterbury at present, Im think the huruni will be running very high!

From Ecan 7:45pm
Hurunui District
• Rain is now much heavier in the Hurunui District
• Police have reported that the wind have picked up in speed. Branches and debris are blocking some roads.
• Similar situation on Lyndon Rd in Waiau.
• Various reports of surface flooding on the Inland Road and the very real potential for landslips have forced the Hurunui District Council to close this road.
• Reports of widespread surface flooding of pastoral land in rural Cheviot.
• An isolated report of surface flooding on pastoral land in Hawarden.

Kaikoura District
• The Inland road from Kaikoura to Waiau is closed due to slips and surface flooding.
• Heavy rain continues to fall in the district
• Surface flooding has been reported throughout the township and district.
• Local roading contractors are currently clearing roads.
• Apart from the Inland Road, all roads are open.

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 21:13
by Ryan Thomas
Finally, its actually starting to rain here! Wind seems to be more then Jeffs station tho

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 21:18
by Lawrence
Been raining here since about 16.00hrs but only 5mm up to now,rain rate at the moment is 2mm/per hour.

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 21:22
by 03Stormchaser
Hurunui is flowing at 400 cumecs, (at 5pm) over 800 is a 1 in 10 year flood.

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 21:23
by melja
Coming up to 20mm here,back yard has now turned into a lake with a inch of water on the lawn and surface flooding on the streets.

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 22:09
by gllitz
Hmmm...don't know if there is some kind of sheltering effect going on or perhaps my proximity to the ocean or what...but so far I am most unimpressed with the rain here in my part of CHCH so far...could all change, I know, but it's just been a nice, steady rain so far since about 6 pm...nothing spectacular at all... :? :-w

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 22:10
by carrot
I agree, nothing special so fat at all. >_< :(

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 22:14
by trickytiger
well, just been drizzle here in Temuka no rain at all and we are likely to miss most of this here. I also got asked a good question by one of my mates: why does Temuka miss all the good storms? I just made something up as an answer.

Re: Wet Week for the South Island

Posted: Wed 30/07/2008 22:17
by carrot
Christchurch never seems to get anything either.