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Re: General August Weather

Posted: Mon 27/08/2012 15:59
by Storm Struck
Fairly SW at the moment to be expected the trough coming up the island wont affect the plains/coast until around 6pm so anything before then is a bonus really.
Yeah some hail shower activity there by the looks trackers havnt picked anything up though which is interesting, cloud tops to the south look reasonable.
Will head out anyway see what we can get.

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Mon 27/08/2012 16:44
by spwill
A mostly dry day for Auckland, isolated towering Cu showers with the front around early afternoon, max 18C, dewpoint of 14C.

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Mon 27/08/2012 17:11
by mikestormchaser
yes i am wondering if we will see much, have to remember while the upper air is very cold yes, but we are still in winter and so having said that, the days get cooler much quicker witch doesnt help things unlike summer.
So anything that does develop probably wouldnt last. " hope im wrong"
There could be some isolated hail though later, ill be keeping an eye on it of course.


Re: General August Weather

Posted: Mon 27/08/2012 17:18
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
The SW came through here about 3pm, although it was more south to SE here.Some Cu build-up to the east of the TC area, with some wind shear but nothing really.A weak sort of gusto front trying to form.
Anyway, the air temperature is much cooler now and most of the action to the south is moving out to sea, whatever action there was.

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Mon 27/08/2012 17:36
by Richard
Still NW here ,boy it blew it arse off around the middle of the day where i was working up at 400m,really made a mess of my perm :B

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Mon 27/08/2012 18:47
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
Richard wrote:Still NW here ,boy it blew it arse off around the middle of the day where i was working up at 400m,really made a mess of my perm :B
I won't add any other comments <3 :smile: :yum:

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Mon 27/08/2012 19:01
by Lacertae
Nice "stormy-ish" sunset with pieces of rainbows out Southbridge way, 'twas a great opportunity to quietly play with my new camera and especially the adjustable ND filter (I think I'm in love with it now). I might post some shots if I can be bothered ... :mrgreen:

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Mon 27/08/2012 19:09
by mikestormchaser
flow slowly swinging Southerly now jugding by radar and a few showers startign to develop aswel.
Sill offshore off south Cnaterbury though, will probably head up close to the coast of the city or definately Banks peninsula

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Mon 27/08/2012 19:23
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
No. Sorry mike everything will clear away and there will be a frost in the morning. :(
a bit pathetic but as you said it's only August as situations like this could produce something in summer, well maybe.? depending on the elements.

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Mon 27/08/2012 19:40
by mikestormchaser
You may well be very right John, always at hope though, if today was summer there would of been a far greater chance for thunderstorms, would of been alot warmer for one thing and the heating would last alot longer into the night upping the chance for storms to continue to develop through the evening.
Some good signs there though to come if this is anything to go by. :wave:

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Mon 27/08/2012 19:52
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
Yes. well, this is the first of which could be a interesting spring and summer :-w

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Mon 27/08/2012 20:02
by Lacertae
NZ Thunderstorm Soc wrote:Yes. well, this is the first of which could be a interesting spring and summer :-w
I'm sure you've said that the last couple of years already John. Still waiting ... ;)

Anyway, a couple of shots from today near Southbridge, looking towards the east (roughly). I still struggle to do the processing of the JPG shots rather than the RAW so overall they are a bit darker and oversaturated than usual, sorry ... :?

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Mon 27/08/2012 22:28
by Storm Struck
Very much a coastal thing today but a set up close enough to be something not bad for late August.
The trough is now racing up the east coast as can be seen on the radar just starting to hug the coast, some heavy hail in there at times perhaps nothing thundery but could be interesting in an hours time.

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Tue 28/08/2012 07:13
by Orion
NZ Thunderstorm Soc wrote:No. Sorry mike everything will clear away and there will be a frost in the morning .....
Well-forecast! _b

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Tue 28/08/2012 07:26
by NZstorm
Looks like a wet end to the month for the far north with a shallow low developing.

GFS rainfall for next 72hrs. Looks like we get a bit in Auckland tomorrow night.

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Tue 28/08/2012 08:59
by jamie
oh no!!!! whats happened to the dry weather in the forecast. Darn! Hopefully it flops back to a more settled look rather than these lows.

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Wed 29/08/2012 14:20
by borris89
Slightly OT but still interesting I thought. Large fire near Dunedin at the moment producing some pyrocumulus cloud

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Wed 29/08/2012 19:50
by NZstorm
Good example of pyrocu.

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Thu 30/08/2012 09:22
by jamie
looks to me as though the spring westerlies are gearing up. The forecasts are moving to that spring look now.

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Thu 30/08/2012 13:12
by jamie
its this sort of weatehr where hamilton can get a warm SE wind. its currently a dry airmass coming from the SSE which require a lot of land travel to reach us. I wonder how warm it will reach this afternoon?

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Thu 30/08/2012 15:56
by spwill
A cold grey day here but Spring has come early this year, August has been good.

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Thu 30/08/2012 16:00
by David
spwill wrote:A cold grey day here but Spring has come early this year, August has been good.
Yeah that wind has felt cold alright... temperature did reach 14 though

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Thu 30/08/2012 18:52
by Tornado Tim
jamie.haultain wrote:its this sort of weatehr where hamilton can get a warm SE wind. its currently a dry airmass coming from the SSE which require a lot of land travel to reach us. I wonder how warm it will reach this afternoon?
17.8°C the high here, fairly comfortable in a t-shirt due to the sun having a bit more punch.

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Thu 30/08/2012 21:54
by Manukau heads obs
we got to 15, which is a bit more than auckland did
but not as warm as the
as were on the edge of the cloud ...we got some sun at times :)

Re: General August Weather

Posted: Thu 30/08/2012 22:46
by mikestormchaser
Nice day yesterday here in CHCH, bit more cloudier today with NE breeze, not as nice as yesterday, weekend should be better though!
I am moving house in about two and half weeks to rolleston witch is about 25 mins south of where i am in the city so a little bit of a distance but will be more in storm territory and more out in the canterbury plains to be observing.
Will be closer to you John as rolly is basiclly even with west melton, but a little more east.
Will be able to see TC this season lol