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Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Tue 21/07/2009 17:45
by trickytiger
Steady rain just started here, big drops and appeared to move in from the North

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Tue 21/07/2009 17:48
by MoorfNZ
Ok, I have thunder here - loud but distant... no rain... off out to check =D>

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Tue 21/07/2009 17:50
by trickytiger
just after i posted it got quite heavy, heaviest rain we've had in a while

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Tue 21/07/2009 18:11
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
Another NW Squall coming through here at the moment with strong winds and heavy rain. Radio Sfericking but no flashes seen yet. Slight barometer rise.


Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Tue 21/07/2009 18:39
by Razor
Lightning observed here to the west, bright and seems close. Thunder heard in the distance. Another heavy shower went through 10 minutes ago

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Tue 21/07/2009 19:07
by spwill
Thunderstorms over North Otago in the last hour,east coast.

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Tue 21/07/2009 19:17
by Andrew Massie
Large amount of flashes seen North of Christchurch!! =D> =D>

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Tue 21/07/2009 21:52
by Storm Struck
Strong gusty SW through here now with a drop in temperature, wont bring anything though.
Thats our first swathe of NW fronts gone through tomorrow will be slightly calmer before Thursday hits with a bang again and looking increasing likly of snow to very low levels now.

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Wed 22/07/2009 02:49
by jamie
well i can confirm at least 2 lightning strikes in auckland not long ago. got stuck walking home in the torrential rain. the flashes and sound made up for being saturated and freezing.

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Wed 22/07/2009 09:28
by spwill
A mild morning here, currently 15C with a dewpoint of 12C, sunny with a mod westerly

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Wed 22/07/2009 09:31
by Razor
Yes I'm picking tomorrow could be an action weather day. I'm driving to Tekapo on Friday morning- expecting it to be white.

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Wed 22/07/2009 11:54
by David
Manukau Heads should be blasted by the strong NW flow tomorrow I imagine!

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Wed 22/07/2009 12:10
by Manukau heads obs
going to be windy at our new house location
which is very exposed to the SW through NW wind directions
already had 47 knots last night, and over 50 knots in the last SW blow, and 55 knots in brief NW blow last week!

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Wed 22/07/2009 12:24
by Storm Struck
Another cracker day today up to 14C at the moment, with a westerly breeze.
Reports in this morning of a large Thunderstorm in Invercargill this morning which lasted well over an hour apparently and according to weather watch site.
I would imagine we will see more lightning to the west tonight, and i wouldnt be surprised if some spill eastwards again.
The set up for tomorrow evening/night is looking more and more interesting on each model run, looks like perhaps a low will cross around 984hpa to lie near Banks Peninsula tomorrow night.
Dragging in a S-SW flow and some good steady falls of rain/sleet, snow to very low levels.
I am wondering if there could be a brief period of snow to sea level, simular set up to other quick crossing lows in the past which have surprised us.
I think the MS 500m is abit off q- .

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Wed 22/07/2009 12:30
by CHCH Weather Chaser
MS have snow to 300m Friday morning but yes does look interesting. Looks like 30mm or so could fall in 12 hours which is very solid for us here. Maybe the chance of a thunderstorm as well as looking very unstable, I wouldnt be surprised. Just over 15 degrees here now and a 20km/h WNW.

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Thu 23/07/2009 08:27
by NZstorm
Looks like there was a lot of lightning in the west of the SI overnight. GFS suggests some lightning possible for Taranaki to west Waikato tomorrow morn as the trough passes thru. There is a strong hint of unstable weather over the country next week in the trusty gfs.

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Thu 23/07/2009 09:35
by Manukau heads obs
I see M/S have extended the severe gales to the coromandel and gt barrier island
I wonder why they dont mention exposed western NI areas like raglan northwards?
(i.e west auckland)
maybe they are thinking that the NW wind will peak after passing through the western coast, i.e affect areas further east more?

currenty foggy here, but starting to clear slowly
clouds above are coming in from the NW, so the wind will get up quickly

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Thu 23/07/2009 09:56
by teanaumalone
hmmm real interesting the freezing level is way lower than Met Service Forecast. Canty High Country this morning calling for a 1800m freezing level this morning yet it is 0 degrees at Arthurs Pass and snowing heavily. At Castle Hill Village at 0930 there had been 27mm since midnight and it is only 1.4 degrees. Porters Pass is closed due to heavy snow and Arthurs is chains essential. Is this system doing something that wasnt showing up in the models?

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Thu 23/07/2009 11:08
by Storm Struck
Exactly my thoughts Hoki, its actually quite a cold day here in Canterbury considering its a strong gusty NWer.
10C currently with alot of Virga type clouds floating past, the skies got that real icy look to it.
No rain yet, but tonight will certainly be worth watching out for.

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Thu 23/07/2009 11:16
by Razor
Looks like rain, not snow in the Mackenzie basin certainly no snow on top of Mt John on the webcam

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Thu 23/07/2009 12:10
by Myself
hokimalone wrote:hmmm real interesting the freezing level is way lower than Met Service Forecast. Canty High Country this morning calling for a 1800m freezing level this morning yet it is 0 degrees at Arthurs Pass and snowing heavily. At Castle Hill Village at 0930 there had been 27mm since midnight and it is only 1.4 degrees. Porters Pass is closed due to heavy snow and Arthurs is chains essential. Is this system doing something that wasnt showing up in the models?
They are explicitly forecasting a FREE AIR freezing level, not "how cold it is when it happens to be snowing heavily".

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Thu 23/07/2009 12:10
by Myself
hokimalone wrote:hmmm real interesting the freezing level is way lower than Met Service Forecast. Canty High Country this morning calling for a 1800m freezing level this morning yet it is 0 degrees at Arthurs Pass and snowing heavily. At Castle Hill Village at 0930 there had been 27mm since midnight and it is only 1.4 degrees. Porters Pass is closed due to heavy snow and Arthurs is chains essential. Is this system doing something that wasnt showing up in the models?
They are explicitly forecasting a FREE AIR freezing level, not "how cold it is when it happens to be snowing heavily".

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Thu 23/07/2009 12:19
by CHCH Weather Chaser
Reports coming in from Greymouth of very heavy rain (report came in about an hour ago) and civil defence are coming together now. Ian Miller from the M/S said the wild windy and wet weather (wind particuarly) is heading into the North Island later this afternoon and gusts of 130km/h should hit Wellington, Waiarapa and Hawkes Bay. Here in Christchurch there is hardly a breathe of wind, just a very little breeze as has been the case all morning (since 9am), overcast and currently 14 degrees. The barometre since midnight have dropped 14hpa. So 14hpa in 12 hours so far!

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Thu 23/07/2009 12:28
by Storm Struck
Just looking at the last few radar runs, looks like rain is developing out to sea now as well plus alot of steady to heavy falls over Marlborough and Blenhiem too.
Calm now for some reason and 12C.

Re: Spring like NW/SW flow for the next few weeks ahead!!

Posted: Thu 23/07/2009 12:28
by Storm Struck
Just looking at the last few radar runs, looks like rain is developing out to sea now as well plus alot of steady to heavy falls over Marlborough and Blenhiem too.
Calm now for some reason and 12C.