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Re: Canterbury Thunderstorms Mid Next Week?

Posted: Wed 24/11/2004 22:11
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
NZ Thunderstorm Soc wrote:
NZ Thunderstorm Soc wrote:Could be a chance again on thunder activity in Canterbury mid next week as a shallow trough passes over?
I have a 4 on that possibility for the Wednesday/Thursday.
Could change as mid-next week comes closer :-k
This prediction still remains in force :)

This prediction still remains in force although, at the moment, it does look likely an immenent cancellation could occur like today. :)


Posted: Wed 24/11/2004 22:21
by 03Stormchaser
I see metservice have thunderstorms forecasted for the east coast of canterbury for friday!

Posted: Wed 24/11/2004 22:45
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
03 Stormchaser wrote:I see metservice have thunderstorms forecasted for the east coast of canterbury for friday!
I have nothing for Friday.
I don't use their predictions for my predictions.
My predictions are from local knowledge and a likelyhood scenario from what I can see from weather maps and models.
Anyway, I have a 2 or 3 this WE.
Not to sure :-k
Will keep you posted :)



Posted: Wed 24/11/2004 22:51
by Storm Struck
Storm chaser 03? I just read Met service forecast and the only metioning for thunderstorms in the east is in the north island check again.
I could be wrong bloody great if iam the more thunderstorms the better.
Just thought id note you might be more up date and linked into Met service better than me lets hope you are right. :)
Blue Skies weather forecasting still predicts thunderstorms for Canterbury tomorrow 8) .
How did the FESTIVAL GO JOHN?.

Posted: Wed 24/11/2004 22:55
by 03Stormchaser
Tomorrow does look good :)

except the only downside could be the southerly comes thru to late, which i sadly think it will :evil:

Jason you are right :oops:

Posted: Wed 24/11/2004 23:47
by Thunder
Go the prediction!! This weekend eh? Will watch with interest.

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 07:41
by 03Stormchaser
Clear sky here this morning, except a wee bit of stuff floating around the porthills.
Its 10 C and light NE. lets hope the temp will get up there :)

looking good at this point.

Also too note fresh snow on the alps, woke up too the view from my bedroom!

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 09:51
by Manukau heads obs
that low from the southern ocean is surging NE very nively now!
looks like a real good spring storm system could brew up

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 11:11
by Thunder
I hope so!

We've got a band of high cloud over us at the moment which might clear just before the southerly arrives to perhaps let some sun in but at the moment there's no sun which would be greatly appreciated. Only around 13 degrees at the moment, hope that temp gets up by some means.

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 11:16
by spwill
It feels very spring like here this morning, only 16c and the dew point is 9C,low for Auckland.
A fine start to the day but it's now cloudy with Cu.
Sky looks on the stable side so I think we would need a lot of heating today for heavy showers to develop.

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 11:50
by Thunder
I forgot to mention. When I took those stills of John's tornado a while ago I of course have clips on my computer from doing it.

One is 1 minute 40 seconds long but I'm not that much of a wiz at compression. It's a 14MB mpeg, was a 336MB AVI! So I got it down a bit from what it was but I'm sure it could go further somehow. I also have another that's around 10 seconds long, around 1 to 1.5MB in size. Both of them don't have sound. I'll only upload them if anyone want's a look.

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 12:05
by tich
10AM radar shows rain already in South Canterbury. The precipitation is of equal intensity (light-moderate) from offshore to the high country, so perhaps the southerly is moving north quicker than forecast.

Few small CB

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 12:11
by Storm Struck
Hehe iam waiting till this afternoon until the storms brew up hopefully :D yeah I hope it does clear before SW change comes although the high cloud here seems to be breaking up with some ok sun peaking through 8) .
Picked up a few CB's out towards the Plains and some CU at Cumulus stage up Kaikoura way to farr away for me to zom in properly on camera.
But here's one of the CB out towards the Plains that was taken 15 mintutes ago it has now got bigger with a good RFB.
Here's hoping this High cloud buggers off fast check out rain radar looks like something coming up east coast hopefully not yet :? .

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 13:13
by tich
yeah I hope it does clear before SW change comes although the high cloud here seems to be breaking up with some ok sun peaking through .
No sun in central Chch - in fact some light rain is now falling. Cloud cover has kept the temperature no more than about 14C today, and now it's about 12C. Barometer has just started to rise a little.

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 13:18
by Thunder
No sun here either and yes there is ever so light drizzel/rain falling. This high cloud however is moving north at a good speed so we may see it clear within 3 hours?

Edited: 1:48pm

Not looking very good outside is it! Well, unless this cloud/rain (which it now is) band clears before the southerly arrives I doubt much which I absolutely hate to say.


Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 14:15
by Storm Struck
Yeah lightly raining here too hardly a breath of wind here at the moment.
Met service predticting hail for us tonight maybe a good heavy hail shower will keep me happy :D come on gotta atleast have something to put on camera ;) .

U were rigt

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 15:38
by Storm Struck
You were right Aaron about it clearing have a look to the SW corner now its clearing have to see what happens and wether the temperature goes up fast enough remeber we got rain on ground already so some good evaporation there.
Cheers theres a low chance of something happening but I guess we will soon find out.

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 16:03
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
Yes, i have just got back in.
Sorry chaps, all thunderstorm alerts cancelled :( :cry: :evil:
This annoying cloud cover HAS to go away.
1.5mm of rain has fallen here since 12:30pm.
Still8/8 cloud cover with a bit of a NE blowing.
Looking brighter to the south tho' 8-[


Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 16:20
by spwill
There are some storms over Otago this afternoon.

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 16:24
by Thunder
Yes Spwill, just noticed that. I think it'll clear here soon in Chch, then who know's!! We might actually get something.

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 16:33
by tich
There are some storms over Otago this afternoon.
Looks like heavy showers have reached as far as Timaru, according to the 4PM radar.[/quote]

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 16:44
by Thunder
Lightning has got to Timaru but has calmed down a bit, this is looking at Metservices tracker. Clouds building on the plains and to the South, fingers, legs and areses crossed. That's a good one John!

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 17:06
by spwill
John has cancelled his Thunderstorm alert but I see Met service are now saying a small chance of storms in your area this Evening.

its A coming

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 17:11
by Storm Struck
Is there something coming? 8-[ lightning tracker is picking up some good strikes around otago area and radar in South Canterbury looks better then Aucklands 8) and they are expecting storms there today.
Hehe is that sun breaking through out there now yeh iam right :D .
Good we got some rain help abit with some moisture in the air and on the ground.
Met service still got hail on forecast but it could be more then that soon hopefully :lol: .

Posted: Thu 25/11/2004 17:13
by Storm Struck
spwill wrote:John has cancelled his Thunderstorm alert but I see Met service are now saying a small chance of storms in your area this Evening.
Is that for us here In Canterbury you mean? :D