Westerlies continue over NZ, 21 Nov -

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Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

some of the CB's look pretty good around the area today
but low dew point means high base,and as you say nzstorm, not getting to a great height, so not alot of depth in them
14oC here now,but it had been down to 10oC overnight,.....on the 1st day of summer (although some say summer does not start until the longest day)
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

getting a surprisingly heavy run of showers here now
and only 10oC at 10am
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Unread post by Michael »

It may start in June :lol:
Manukau heads observer wrote: 14oC here now,but it had been down to 10oC overnight,.....on the 1st day of summer (although some say summer does not start until the longest day)
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Unread post by spike_01 »

Just for a change it is a light East breeze here and raining... :shock:
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Unread post by Willoughby »

After the heavy rain and showers here in Taupo yesterday.. it's a beautiful day here.. a weak Cb formed over Tongariro earlier but decapitated pretty quickly.. convection starting to boom over the Kaimanawa Ranges at the mo'.. with even a low topped Cb developing now.
Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

had a report of hail that covered the ground late this morning, only 2km's north of me here....we got heavy rain, but no hail...but it was very black looking to the north of us
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Been a rather cold start to summer but oh well a relativly fine wekend ahead 8) .
Was a nice Weak CU line that went up from SE to N-NW this evening not quite sure why this hapend could have been NE further north along the coast as it was light southerly here at the time.
Still was an interesting sight against the sunset.
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Unread post by kaimaikid »

was a few interesting cloud formations with turrets forming yesterday between here and Hamilton but didn't come to much apart from a few squally showers on the Waikato side of the hill...
Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

there was an early morninng convergence /local heating shower here....with towering CU
so there is or at least was instability around...
could be some action in the waikato today?
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Unread post by Willoughby »

Nice day here at the great lake :D .. just a tad windy and cold.. 13C/dp 1C at the moment.

Air is way to dry for convection today.. :(
Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

yeah...and the wind has got up too much now,,,
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Unread post by RWood »

Lovely clear day here with very little wind - but a low temp. for December.
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Unread post by dija »

November was rather too windy for my liking :x

Windrun for November = 13903.6km / 8639 miles / 7507 knots
Average windspeed = 19.3 km/h

wish i had a wind turbine :lol:
Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

average windspeed here was just a bit less than that...
October was windy too...
its been over 2 months of non stop wind here from the NW or W or SW generaly.....we had no time in novemeber when the wind was calm!
and its still blowing....

help, admin, michael has stolen my login in details, please delete the above post!
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Unread post by Willoughby »

Looks like sunny conditions over most of the NI.. wonderful day here with some high cloud and 13C.. it sure does take a while for the westerly to die right down here at night! brr
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Unread post by Michael »

Surprise an 8 hour break from the garbage and theyre Rising as I write this.When are we going to get an easterly?
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Unread post by Willoughby »

Probably not for a while!
Wet evening tonight in Hamilton with a few heavy falls about, 2.6mm so far.

Look to have been a few convective showers about the Canterbury foothills this afternoon/evening.
Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

yes, the SWer arrived here with avengence alright all of a sudden
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Unread post by Achten »

This front may have got more convective as it travelled North up the east coast, 24mm at my place. Farmers well be pleased and so is the water tank. Didnot expect this sort of total.
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Unread post by Willoughby »

Looks to be a low risk of thunder this afternoon/evening thru eastern Waikato.. probably wont come to much, 17/12 at the moment here so that's a good start :)
Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

pretty small pickings :(
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

i can see those CB tops over the kaimas from here now ;)
and my boltec is picking up the odd strike from them too :)
well done met service 8)
Kaimai kids web cam looks thundery!

ohhh, lightning activity increasing now ;)
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Unread post by NZstorm »

Yes, distant cb tops out to the east. I would say Waihi is getting thunder now.
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Unread post by Willoughby »

Yep those Cb's are topping great heights!!!

Storms look to be just on the Waikato side of the Kaimai Ranges, with a few triggering around Tairua too :)

Gusty SW sea breeze here.. bah

You need to pull those storms in Brian with the kernal ring.. Gary's boltek is plotting them in the Tasman!!
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Unread post by Willoughby »

Aww man.. it's just anvilling now and it looks incredible!! I just don't have a camera at the moment :cry: