Westerlies continue over NZ, 21 Nov -

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Unread post by tich »

Heard some rumbles during the heavy rain this afternoon (which commenced about 3pm), but didn't see any lightning (could've been cloud-cloud?) out near Akaroa. Had short period of rain late morning as well - must've been southern end of the North Canterbury rainband. Only light rain falling now.
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Unread post by NZstorm »

Biggest storm of the day was near Oamaru, another near Gore and a few weaker storms up through Canterbury. (from lightning data)
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Unread post by Compie »

The most amazing game of football this afternoon Otago vs Auckland.

Apart from the Otago keeper breaking his wrist in the 12th minute and not having a back up keeper on the bench, madness. 4 of the next 5 goals were due to an out fielder having to put the gloves on.

But the hail. First game of football I have seen where the players have been pulled off the field. The rode it out for the first 5 mins of hail, it was heavy but it was soft. But then it was just unbelievable. After about 5mins of hail, it got heavier and harder, till the ref needed to take both teams off the field.

The football field was white, it was like winter, except the air temp wasn't too bad?

Bizzare afternoon, and to the mix add very still rumbly skies. Nice. How exciting would a midwest US storm chase be?
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

An interesting day indeed was a pity though I couldn't see that storm would have been good to atleast get some pics of it's structure.
Heard thunder again today so I am happy but perhaps next time a storm overhead 8) maybe a clap or two as the windchange comes through in the early hours.
Otherwise another ok chance tomorrow especailly about the plains :) .
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Unread post by 03Stormchaser »

Still a chance today, although it would be offshore. Wednesday evening also looking good at this stage as long at NE picks up before change.
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Unread post by TonyT »

Big black Cb has built up to the north of here this morning. A series of rumbles around midday showed on the tracker as between 200-300km north of Templeton, but were actually near here, perhaps 50-100km north of Templeton. Plenty of swirling in the underside of the cloud, and a few shafts of what looks like hail, but only some large raindrops here so far. Surface wind currently NE (has been all morning, and cold, 11deg). Plenty of bubbling Tcu moving up from the southwest, but this big cloud seems pretty much stationary for the last hour or two.
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Unread post by Willoughby »

Looks like the odd thunderstorm NE of the Aupouri Peninsular up in the Far North at the moment.
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

going by the sat image you would have thought CB's here this afternoon...but its upper level stuff....nothing underneath....but yes the very far north got clipped by some action....
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Unread post by Snowlover »

Thunderstorm just went through my way from the middle of nowhere!!! real fast moving and heavy heavy rain. Rumbles where very loud too
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Unread post by TonyT »

Clouds still rumbling away here from time to time, seems to be more showers coming up from the south now.
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Unread post by RWood »

After a fine morning with a few attractive CU contrasting with deep blue sky there were some big-raindrop showers and brief softish hail. Looks as if it's now clearing to blue sky in the SW quadrant - from my limited local view at the house. Noticeable drop in temperature.
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Unread post by RWood »

Can anyone quote the month-to-date sunshine values from today's NZ Herald? (will be to end 25th). In W'gton it's about 174 hrs, would be interested to know what the numbers are for Auckland, Rotorua, Gisborne, N. Plymouth and Ch'ch.
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Unread post by borris89 »

202.0 hours month to date sunshine for napier
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Unread post by Snowlover »

huge hail storm here at the mo. The size of the stones are a bit bigger than a pea :shock:
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Unread post by RWood »

[quote="borris89"]202.0 hours month to date sunshine for Napier /quote]


Sunny period of a couple of hours or so but darkish clouds have now returned - no further showers yet.
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Unread post by Andrew Massie »

Wee storm passed through central Chch about 1530. Six lightning strikes observed, and 8-10mm hail. :D :D :D FINALLY! Pretty sure it struck a cell tower too!
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Unread post by mikestormchaser »

Yes Andew i wouldn't be surprised mate.
earlier today there was a thunderstorm out Amberly way? maybe Tony could confirm that? :D and just now i drove through Shirley and some very close lightning bolts! and loud thunder. 8)
The hail was actually quite big, around 10mm a good pea size anyway.
Still very unstable with cu clouds going everywhere :)
Lets say we have just had a our first proper thunder day with possibly more to come later wahooooooooooo :lol:
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Unread post by Weather Watcher »

Thanks for the hail reports. The MetService radar hail product indicated 7mm hail over Christchurch in the 3:30pm scan. It has had hail mostly around this size all afternoon (mainly around the North and Mid Canterbury hills) but there was some larger hail (11mm) near Kaiapoi around 2pm.
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Unread post by Willoughby »

Storms starting to trigger off Eastland now too.
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Unread post by borris89 »

dang it they are way off the coast i was hoping for some here on the plains!!
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Unread post by dogmelon »

Nice typical void out here in the sw of chc. Head some thunder, that is all you get here.
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Unread post by spwill »

The MetService radar hail product indicated 7mm hail over Christchurch in the 3:30pm scan.
Has been wrong in the past by several mm.

Stayed dry here in Auckland today today.
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Well yes what an afternoon it has been :D Heard booms of thunder from that first cell to the north from christchurch so could have been over my house i am not sure :( .
Then around 3:30pm i noticed it cooled down quite dramatically and was showing some very big black clouds brewing under towering CU.
At one point it looked abit tornadic :P just that dark RFB swirling look with big scud being sucked into the storm.
Soon enough the rain came down heavy which was followed by sheet lightning right overhead and a lovly loud crack of thunder :P :D .
Then came a brief hailstorm with some up to Pea size others smaller and some more booms of thunder.
Very much enjoyed even though i couldnt film it or get any pics.
RE. the hail of 11mm near kaiapoi someone said didn't look like any large hail has fallen around or here in Kaiapoi as trees and plants look ok unless you mean north of Kaiapoi.
About 22mm in the gauge though with surface flooding about on the roads and lawns.
Another isolated shower to the SW not sure if we will get anymore booms but we shall see :D
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Unread post by mikestormchaser »

another storm brewing right over my house hehe :D
Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

good to see some people getting CB's !,we have missed them so far around here...
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]