I noticed this article about what the metservice think the weather will be like for the big fat guy in a red suit: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story ... D=10414803
I too have noticed the pattern they are talking about and have noticed the extended range models prediciting a rather good trough system for 20th onwards. Though of course being over a week out it is about as reliable as using a dart board to predict what will happen.
What are peoples thoughts on what the weather will be like in NZ and the rest of the country for the Christmas period, say from the 20th-30th of December, as I said it is still a long way off so I imagine this thread will start of as a guessing game until we get closer to the dates and a bit more certain about what will happen.
We fly out to Wellington on Sunday the 17th and stay there until Wednesday the 20th when we fly down to Nelson until Christmas day, when we fly up to visit the rellies in Auckland. At this stage Nelson looks like having some wet weather from this pre-christmas trough but the period at Wellington looks to be rather decent. Auckland, well you never know in Auckland do you!

Best of the Season to all and I hope I havent jumped the gun too much, but I am a bit excited about visiting NZ, even though It will be my 4th visit, the first in Summer though.