Christmas Weather

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Unread post by spwill »

In sunny Nelson, yes it is sunny, but still not very warm
like that most of the year.

Cloudy 18C here with a few showers :( .

I see Melbourne has a forecast high of just 16C tomorrow with hail( white Xmas)
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Unread post by Willoughby »

Looking like continuing cool or mild temperatures leading up to New Year's, Boxing Day looks like the only warm day!

Partly cloudy and mild on 20°C after dropping down to 6°C overnight.
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Unread post by RWood »

Tim S wrote:In sunny Nelson, yes it is sunny, but still not very warm, lovely place though, kinda feels like Perth's winter :)

Like the look of the forecast for the next few days for Auckland though, 23-24C sounds almost tropical now! :)
In a more normal season that comparison wouldn't be apt...but NZ temps are unusually low at present.
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

2.2°C colder than should be so far for december for me here....
must be heading for a record cold december...only a couple of years after a cold december that broke records as warming must be sucking up cold air for us in december!
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Unread post by Andy »

Cool and cloudy morning with the odd spot of rain, temp in the mid teens, but warm and humid this afternoon with the sun breaking through. Max of 26° :D

Merry Chirstmas everyone :)
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Unread post by Andrew Massie »

Yeah....Merry Christmas!!!
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Unread post by NZstorm »

Merry Xmas all. I don't think we'll see the sun in AK today but not too bad a day anyway with milder temps. :D
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Unread post by borris89 »

merry christmas!! perfect weather in Hawkes Bay. Sun's out, very little cloud and getting close to 25 degrees now and looking like its going to get better tomorrow.
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Unread post by Willoughby »

Hopefully the sun will become visible in Rotorua today.

Quite a humid change today on previous days. :)
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Unread post by tich »

Merry Xmas. Sunny here out near Akaroa, with scattered cloud around and mild. (around 20C)

Certainly warmer than some other NZ Xmases, eg 1975 with widespread hail, plus snow on the high country, and 1982 (another white Xmas in the southern high country, even on higher Dunedin hills)
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Unread post by spike_01 »

Merry Christmas folks...

But who ordered the drizzle coz it has been here all blardy day... Grrrrr... :?
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Ohh well the weather didn't really play it's part today although was nice this morning. Just that annoying low cloud crept in and now light drizzle and wass hoping to swim :roll: gossshhh :lol: .
A great day otherwise xmas lunch and dinner very full now but enjoyed well.
Should be a warm one tomorrow here mid twenties so great day for a BBQ :D .
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Unread post by spike_01 »

Today was wierd here... No wind at all...

It has been drizzeling all day with a slight respite for 90 minutes between 3pm and 4-30pm... And as I type it still is...

Most unusual... :?
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Sounds quite simular to here spike except we had some brief spits of rain after my last post before even some sporadics :D so will be from upper level cloud from the west.
Canterbury, home of good rugby and severe storms
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Already 22.1C under a good NW arch so no sun and a breezy NWer.
If the sun comes out in good time we could be looking at 30C and if the NW'er picks up it could tear up the arch abit. 8)
Canterbury, home of good rugby and severe storms
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

just down in Taupo visiting rallies today...nice and warm day , boxing day
alot of smoke, blue, layer, coming in from the NW with the high cloud, with the next approaching system.....the layer of blue smoke is just at the top of it local (west of here) fires or ozzy bush fire smoke?
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Unread post by Razor »

Yeah could see that smoke haze here in the Jaffa Bowl last night would guess it can only be from the Aussie fires huh?
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Tim S
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Unread post by Tim S »

Just got back from Auckland this evening, was there from Christmas day and I've gotta say the weather was pretty good, sure it wasnt that warm, but the sun came out a fair bit. Boxing day was a little warmer though, everyone was complaining that it was hot! it was only 25C, I didnt even get out of my jumper. :D though Auckland does have a very constant climate so I guess you guys would get used to the same sort of temps.

Gotta say, I love your TV1 weather forecasts, the big cities forecast map has cute little animated clouds and showers! :) Though gotta say the forecasting for the Nelson region was miles off, had sunny and 20 almost the whole time we were there... :roll:

Also the sunset last night in Auckland was awesome, was driving over Mangere Bridge and it looked awesome over the harbour, but as usaul didnt have my camera. Will post up my better photos up soon though, got some good sunsets from Nelson. :)

Regarding the cooler than normal temps you guys are getting, I feel it has something to do with the ocean temps surrounding you at the moment, they have been constantly 1-2C below normal for ages now.
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Unread post by spwill »

everyone was complaining that it was hot! it was only 25C,
It's the dewpoint temp that can make Auckland feel hot at this time of year. Dewpoints on Boxing day were about 15C so it was warm but not hot.
A hot day in Auckland would be a temp of 27C but with a dewpoint near 20C. (humid)
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Unread post by RWood »

[quote="Tim S Though gotta say the forecasting for the Nelson region was miles off, had sunny and 20 almost the whole time we were there... :roll:


You should remember that the Nelson forecast would be for the airport site, which has a smaller daily range than places further from the coast. My experience from regular trips there was that the forecasts were pretty accurate.

Our sea temps. situation is pretty normal for an El Nino...