December weather so far has been cool but we've had plenty of dry sunny weather here in Auckland so a good month weatherwise to date.
To 6pm wends 13 there's been 123.5 hrs sunshine for the City and rainfall of 21mm ( from the Herald).
spwill wrote:December weather so far has been cool but we've had plenty of dry sunny weather here in Auckland so a good month weatherwise to date.
To 6pm wends 13 there's been 123.5 hrs sunshine for the City and rainfall of 21mm ( from the Herald).
Location: West Coast Road, Manukau Peninsula, North Island
Unread postby Manukau heads obs »
interesting the tops of the clouds here today are coming in from the NE,but the bottom is affected by the SW breeze
on the web cam animation, they are being pulled apart
spwill wrote:December weather so far has been cool but we've had plenty of dry sunny weather here in Auckland so a good month weatherwise to date.
To 6pm wends 13 there's been 123.5 hrs sunshine for the City and rainfall of 21mm ( from the Herald).
spwill wrote:December weather so far has been cool but we've had plenty of dry sunny weather here in Auckland so a good month weatherwise to date.
To 6pm wends 13 there's been 123.5 hrs sunshine for the City and rainfall of 21mm ( from the Herald).
Gosh, you've recorded more sunshine (currently) than us Sydney folk . Seriously its the El Nino pattern isnt it ? Brings cooler but sunnier and drier weather to Auckland.
Rather green around most of Canterbury at the moment infact I went past a fire danger sign today and it's still on low risk.
I guess with this SW flow it's directing more short bursts of rain occasionally during the weeks but also followed by warm days.
Even Banks Peninnsula is completly green lush hillsides especially more Akaroa side as I visited there on Wednesday.
Had some wicked cb's forming here around 4ish then they just dissapeared
weather has been awesome here, nice cool evenings and warm days - still fairly easy to get some sleep without tossing and turning all night sweating like a stuck pig...
They were towering quite high but didn't anvil out fully
the haze yesterday afternoon was quite bad from the top of the Kaimais as you couldn't see Pirongia and it seemed to get worse the further north you looked in the Waikato, the Bop wasn't as bad though...
Uh-Oh... CB's CN's... Even after half listening to Gary (KaimaiKid) and Will (Foggy) discussing it whilst I was driving on Saturday, I'm still not clear on which is which
Explinations and demo photo's from a third party please, perhaps in a new topic or a post to an existing topic?
Some heavy showers over East/South Auckland this afternoon on a line which has moved away.
Photo, Cu building into the high cloud cover over South Auckland.
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Yes I noticed the large t/cu congestus. Quite punchy clouds along what looked to be a convergence zone. Upper air too warm for thunderstorms though. Just heavy showers.
Last edited by NZstorm on Sun 17/12/2006 19:43, edited 1 time in total.
I didn't see any of the showers that were forecast for Chch today, though Hillmorton recorded 0.2mm around dawn or earlier, and radar shots showed light precipitation in many other parts of Canterbury.