The news item showed old footage of that flood last night, 300 years ago on the day. 300mm in 1 day! Puts recent storms into perspective. What it didn't mention was that there was 1 fatality from the deluge.
I believe the cause was a slow moving convergence zone over the area.
That's right - literally along the ridgelines of the western Hutt hills (where near 350mm fell in some parts - 150+ in the city). There was no wind - 50kms up the coast a friend told me it was "blowing like 50 bastards".
I was going to an end-of-year work social in the Hutt on the Monday - actually made it , but there were quite a few no-shows.
Location: West Coast Road, Manukau Peninsula, North Island
Unread postby Manukau heads obs »
see that on the TV1 report?
coldest start to summer on record....similar to my recordings i reported here....2.5°C colder than normal for the first 2 weeks, so far
(now -2.2)
also, amazing how you forget about all the floods recorded around the place
In recent history there are two other Decembers that compare with this one for consistently low temperature. 2004 and 1977. Ofcoarse December 2006 is not over yet but models suggest a continuation of the cooler weather.
Think you've go the wrong one - 1977 was cool but 1982, 1983 and 1993 since then, apart from 2004 of course, were all cooler. Excluding 2004, to get a cooler Dec than 1982 you have to go back to 1951.
Not necessarily. End-51 was marginal near-weak-Nino, end-83 was neutral, and of course 1982/83 was a very strong El Nino.
I'm sceptical about the "coldest" claim - coldest since when? December 1945 was extremely cold, and I'd be surprised if its first 2-3 weeks were not significantly colder than the current December's.
Sorry, I was just referring to Auckland December figures. In 1977 and 2004 the mean daily maximum for those two months was below 20C. (airport figures).