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T/S Happening right now over West Akl!!

Posted: Mon 02/07/2007 13:25
by C-Nimbus
Havn't posted in a while, been a bit flat out with other things.... :D

Anyhoo, audible thunder over west auckland right now with some beefy looking Cb's behind it which should hit us later.

:D :D :D :D :twisted:

Posted: Mon 02/07/2007 13:27
by spwill
Quite a few Lightning strikes showing up near and along the Kaipara Coast with a line of showers moving in now.

Posted: Mon 02/07/2007 14:02
by ScottyD
Heard a little thunder as the band of rain moved closer, but the airforce started doing something and couldn't hear much more. Seemed to fizzle out quickly when the rain arrived Didn't actually see any lightning. Hopefully there's something else to come later today.

Posted: Mon 02/07/2007 14:25
by NZstorm
Photo of unstable air over Auckland today taken from sunny Devonport where I am currently working. :)

Posted: Mon 02/07/2007 14:31
by C-Nimbus
Nice shot there Steven, looks very chilly up top today.

I see some more cirrus presumably in the form of an anvil heading our way now....

Posted: Mon 02/07/2007 20:12
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
I get annoyed at pictures like that :x
What's there up there to make thunderous skies when there is bugger all land mass?


Posted: Mon 02/07/2007 20:40
by Paul Mallinson
The relatively warm moist sea surface.


Posted: Mon 02/07/2007 20:42
by Manukau heads obs
auckland is a maritime climate mostly
and so in the winter we get maritime CB's coming over us from the Tasman sea

was at a working bee at school all day today
watched a great looking CB pass just to the south of today

also there was an active small cell just off the coast here this morning

at one stage today i could see this sudden heavy rain coming...I yelled at all the kids to quick run inside its going to rain!...they just stared at me as if I was it was not raining....but 3 seconds later huge big drops of rain ....great when it suddenly starts like that ;)

Posted: Mon 02/07/2007 21:25
by spwill
photo- Cb down Waikato way this afternoon trying to grow over the land, fresh development down the back (non Thunderstorm)

Posted: Mon 02/07/2007 22:27
by TokWW
Certainly strange mix of skies today with the blue patches visible. Cooler tonight and still patchy rain. No TS though... ;) Winds have been NNW all day.

Posted: Wed 04/07/2007 11:57
by spwill
Can see a line Thundery Cb's out to our west(still out to sea)

Has been a nice morning here , Greylynn is currently showing 18C Dp14C.

Posted: Wed 04/07/2007 13:11
by ricky
decided to start a new thread in the light of the New plymouth damage with this frontal and system and low...