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How to interpret raw sounding data?

Posted: Tue 24/02/2009 16:37
by Vertigo
Hey, so im thinking of putting together a small flash widget where you can paste in raw sounding data, and create a skew-t diagram from it, with the intention to then be able to change any value you like in order to see the outcome of the rising parcel plot, and subsequent CAPE (if any).

Before I can work on that, Id like to be able to decode raw sounding data, and just output various values to the browser. Can someone point me in the direction of something that may help?

Re: How to interpret raw sounding data?

Posted: Tue 24/02/2009 17:11
by TonyT
Before you go too far down that road, do you know about ?

Re: How to interpret raw sounding data?

Posted: Tue 24/02/2009 18:44
by Vertigo
digital atmosphere looks cool, but doesnt do exactly what i want. and i dont want demos (raob etc), id rather make something for everyone to use.

a sort of tutorial on how to decypher the raw sounding data would be ideal.

Re: How to interpret raw sounding data?

Posted: Tue 24/02/2009 21:09
by TonyT
Deciphering it is easy once you know how, but would take ages to write down as an explanation. Try this

Re: How to interpret raw sounding data?

Posted: Tue 24/02/2009 22:03
by NZstorm
There must be software out there for this Vertigo but i don't know where. I use stormmachine to check on latest 'observed' soundings on a skew-t. No need to bother with the TTAA/TTBB message.
Unfortunately this will not give 'forecast' soundings for NZ so I plot those myself.

Re: How to interpret raw sounding data?

Posted: Wed 25/02/2009 11:19
by Dale
We have been doing this now for a few years, it is still work in progress and the lat/long comes very close to our shores, to plot forecast soundings... will have a word to the guys and see if in future it can altered slightly to incorporate NZ.. purely for my own morbid benefit. However if you are interested in creating your own throughout Australia and the Tasman.. knock yourselves out.

Re: How to interpret raw sounding data?

Posted: Fri 27/02/2009 11:04
by Vertigo
nice website dale. yes, very similar to what i was thinking, except id make it a flash widget. could you perhaps send me info on how to how to interpret the sounding data, and if possible, calculations for determining parcel ascent path? pm me for email address.

Re: How to interpret raw sounding data?

Posted: Mon 02/03/2009 20:26
by Dale
Heya Vertigo, sorry for the hiatus over the last few days, finally the phone mob remembered to turn the line on so I can have net access again 0_o
Will get the info for you over the next couple of days & relay it on.

ED: Should read, moving house too. Doh.

Re: How to interpret raw sounding data?

Posted: Mon 02/03/2009 23:52
by Vertigo
no worries mate!