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Extremely low pressure

Posted: Mon 31/08/2009 15:58
by sthguy
Campbell Island to 953.5mb at noon today and may have touched lower before going up - rare.
I do recall a low in the 940's many many years ago in that area but I don't recall how low Campbell got that time.

Re: Extremely low pressure

Posted: Mon 31/08/2009 16:41
by Manukau heads obs
I have seen 945 low's before in the southern ocean...rare, but not that rare, to go to 950's or lower

Re: Extremely low pressure

Posted: Mon 31/08/2009 16:55
by sthguy
There was a 936 in the deep Sth Atlantic years ago as well but I don't think it was anywhere near a recording station...

Re: Extremely low pressure

Posted: Mon 31/08/2009 17:35
by Michael
Arnt quite a few of the lows around really far south I seen on the maps 935-945 but its on a "500" pressure map so they probably more shallower on the surface?