June July wet

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June July wet

Unread post by jamie »

Hi guys I have a favour to ask.

I'm having a hard time with Cliflo at the moment and cant seem to get the info I want. I want to know just how much rainfall above normal the south Auckland region (Clevdon, Waiuku, Pukekohe, Mercer) has had in June and July. I also want to know many rain days above normal there was.

Could someone that is savvy with this data base and has a spare few minutes, pull some info together regarding this.

I heard from a farmer with 30+ years of rainfall records say it was the wettest July in 30 years which surprised me. I know its been wet but not that wet. I thought its more just relentless wet days on saturated soils.

Thanks in advance
Manukau heads obs
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Re: June July wet

Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

that surprises me
as we have had July rainfall well over 200mm in times more recent than the last 30 years
(e.g 280mm for july 1998 here)
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Re: June July wet

Unread post by jamie »

Yea I thought the same.

The comment came from a farmer in pukekawa/onewhero way
Manukau heads obs
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Re: June July wet

Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

I suspect that they did get more rain in that area, than north of the Waikato River, as a number of the westerly rain events were heavier between Raglan and Port Waikato
but still not like those other really wet July's
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Re: June July wet

Unread post by Nev »

Probably the nearest of NIWA's few sites is Pukekohe to the north. It recorded 158mm in June (most of which fell in the last 9 days) and 184mm in July, which is about 112% and 122% of normal respectively and you only have to go back a few years to find higher.

However, there was quite a bit T-storm activity around Auckland/Waikato at the end of July. So maybe some of those Cb's produced some heavy, but very isolated falls around that Pukekawa/Onewhero area?
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Re: June July wet

Unread post by NZstorm »

EW Mercer rainfall for the two months.

The region did have a drier start and then a wetter finish in both months.

In winter the region typically averages about 15 or 16 wet days (1.0mm+) per month.
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Re: June July wet

Unread post by Nev »

Pukekohe had 14 'wet days' (more than 1mm) in June and 17 in July, which is probably close to normal.
Manukau heads obs
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Re: June July wet

Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

we had 17 and 20 wet days here respectively
I have recorded an August with 31 days of rain before (in the 80's)
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Re: June July wet

Unread post by Nev »

Manukau heads obs wrote:we had 17 and 20 wet days here respectively
I have recorded an August with 31 days of rain before (in the 80's)
Presumably that's based on 'calendar-days'?

For calendar-days, NIWA's Pukekohe Ag-research site had 14 and 19 wet-days respectively.