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Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Sun 14/07/2019 08:32
by Richard
Non peer reviewed study falsely claims natural cloud changes can explain global warming, much of these reports I believe are funded by the fossil fuel industry with the aim mislead and confuse the pubic. To claim to have found little evidence to support the idea of man-made climate change while only taking cloud cover into account when there's so many other factors are involved is absolutely ludicrous.
I notice also that this study only goes up to 2010, why have they left out the last 9 year? :-k ... E8me5P883k

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Mon 15/07/2019 13:14
by Richard
An example of how the fossil fuel industry is misleading the pubic. ... wkegV6lhzg

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Tue 23/07/2019 07:36
by Richard
In this report it states that over and above existing trees, agricultural and urban areas 4.4 billion hectares of extra canopy cover could exist under the current climate, but as the worlds climate continues to warm you would think it will become much more difficult to reestablish, though this will be off set by the higher CO2 levels allowing for faster tree growth.
We all need to do our bit by planting trees where we can, myself I plant about 200 per year as well as not cultivating my paddocks ... siteid=sci

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Fri 26/07/2019 09:36
by Richard

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Tue 20/08/2019 07:32
by Richard
Iceland is lifting by 35mm per year due to the disappearing ice, the same will happen to Greenland when its icecap is gone ... he-planet/

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Tue 20/08/2019 14:05
by RWood
Richard wrote: Tue 20/08/2019 07:32 Iceland is lifting by 35mm per year due to the disappearing ice, the same will happen to Greenland when its icecap is gone ... he-planet/
And still the trolls spin lies on some forums ...

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Tue 20/08/2019 16:31
by Richard
I wonder how much the fossil fuel industry pays those trolls :-k

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Wed 21/08/2019 08:22
by Richard
A new report out from NIWA that's found 7000 buildings at risk for every 10cm a sea level rise ... onnFS6rmno#

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Wed 21/08/2019 08:36
by Richard
Coastal erosion appears to have rapidly taken off north of Amberley, first photo is taken off google street view 2013, it shows the sea cliff at Motunau beach, the other photo from two weeks ago, two metres has been lost in that time where from 2018 - 2013 very little was lost. The sea washes over the parking area and into the children's play area on most king tides where it never use it 20 years ago.

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Thu 22/08/2019 18:01
by Richard
I would expect we are going to be seeing even greater coastal erosion in the near future going by the amount of ice lost during the current northern summer ... N2o6L1wgto

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Thu 22/08/2019 20:32
by NZ Thunderstorm Soc
Richard wrote: Thu 22/08/2019 18:01 I would expect we are going to be seeing even greater coastal erosion in the near future going by the amount of ice lost during the current northern summer ... N2o6L1wgto
Yes. Locally, there is the Patti Point erosion just south of Timaru, like the Moto Nau Beach cliffs, but that may not really be of man made climate change.
Just thinking, maybe the reason why Donald Trump wants to buy Greenland from the Danish, is because of climate change or global warming, one day that island continent, all the ice will be gone and the land will be nice and green, living up to it's name and be a nice place to live … and become the 52nd state of the USA? <3 [-X

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Thu 22/08/2019 20:57
by Richard
Don't think the Danish would be at all that interested John.

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Fri 23/08/2019 14:38
by Gary McConnochie

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Fri 23/08/2019 16:00
by Razor
Gary McConnochie wrote: Fri 23/08/2019 14:38 An interesting read.
One persons truth is another persons Fake News.

"Mörner's claim that sea levels are not rising has been criticised for ignoring correctly calibrated satellite altimeter records, all of which show that sea levels are rising" ... via%3Dihub

Who do we trust more? A tabloid newspaper or a scientific journal?

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Fri 23/08/2019 16:08
by Gary McConnochie
After the Y2K bug I am not to sure

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Fri 23/08/2019 17:26
by Richard
As soon as I show that article was published in what is considered to be a neoliberal news outlet I was instantly skeptical, never the less I read it.
Physicist Nils-Axel Mörner's claim that sea levels have not are not rising flies in the face of widely excepted physics, -' warming water expands', to say seas are not rising is also saying sea temperatures are remaining stable, sorry but that is getting into flat earth territory when one question the vast amount of data that clearly shows a world wide warming trend.
Then where has all the millions of tonnes of glacial/ice cap ice disappeared too, maybe Nils-Axel Mörner has a biblical based explanation for this ?

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Fri 23/08/2019 17:42
by Richard
I so so want us all to be respectable and be courteous when discussing what I think is such an important subject. Please, if you cant control yourself and start attacking other views...well.. you know.. dont. :D

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Sat 24/08/2019 16:33
by RWood
Richard wrote: Fri 23/08/2019 17:42 I so so want us all to be respectable and be courteous when discussing what I think is such an important subject. Please, if you cant control yourself and start attacking other views...well.. you know.. dont. :D
You can be certain that anything that neoliberalism says on climate is based on the assumption that the environment is to be conquered and that individual freedoms trump everything else. Just ask someone like Perigo. Positive news- one of the Kochs has died.

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Sun 25/08/2019 07:12
by ndoa
This is an interesting read from I hope, an objective respected climate scientist, Dr Judith Curry . I am not a climate change denier - a hideously loaded term. The planet is obviously warming, just look at the South Island glaciers for a start, but I do wonder if we are being swamped by a sea of worse case scenarios. ... -rise3.pdf

If the link doesn’t work you can go to her website Climate Etc.

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Sun 25/08/2019 07:50
by Richard
yes, the science is settled, the entire planet is warming rapidly, but we still have gray areas that require far more study, like the relationship between green house gases and H2O for one.

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Sun 25/08/2019 08:21
by ndoa
In a purely scientific debate can the science be truly settled on such a complex and chaotic system as the climate and atmosphere, where the are so many potential positive or negative feedbacks. I agree the world urgently needs to change its ways and the climate debate is pushing towards that. But as from what I think I understand from Dr Curry's report, observed warming and sea level rise hasn't matched the modelled outcomes as yet. To get to the modelled scenarios for the end of the century is going to require very unlikely processes. Anyway the debate continues.

PS. This post has been sponsored by NPD - get 20c a litre off next Wednesday and Thursday. 😄😄😄

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Sun 25/08/2019 11:26
by Richard
That's a solid bit of rainy day reading there in Dr Judith Curry reported ndoa. _b

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Sun 25/08/2019 11:59
by ndoa
It is, but it’s got hopefully useful information and perspectives without the hyperbole you get from newspaper opinion pieces of all sides of the argument, because it cites the papers and data used in the IPCC reports.
I see today Stuff has an opinion piece on Climate Change genocide and the extinction of humanity. :crazy:

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Sun 25/08/2019 12:46
by Richard
ndoa wrote: Sun 25/08/2019 11:59 It is, but it’s got hopefully useful information and perspectives without the hyperbole you get from newspaper opinion pieces of all sides of the argument, because it cites the papers and data used in the IPCC reports.
I consider being open minded as been very important, not a common trait in much of humanity it seems.

Re: Man Made Climate Change

Posted: Sun 25/08/2019 17:44
by RWood
Those citing Judith Curry should know she is refuted by a large body of climate scientists.