Rotorua earthquake swarm

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Rotorua earthquake swarm

Unread post by Awhituobs »

Very shallow
My daughter was in Rotorua yesterday....she just missed it lol
Cyclone Tracy
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Re: Rotorua earthquake swarm

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My seismometer received the main shock (so far) at 8:12am loud and clear. Came in at a M 5.2 within the private network, same as USGS & CSEM.
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Re: Rotorua earthquake swarm

Unread post by Awhituobs »

nice one
Cyclone Tracy
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Re: Rotorua earthquake swarm

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Swarm now at 157 quakes in the last 7 days, most of those in the last 24 hours.
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Re: Rotorua earthquake swarm

Unread post by tich »

I grew up in Rotorua, but don't remember many quakes. (wasn't here when the 87 Edgecumbe shake occurred) But I know from Chch that shallow quakes of that magnitude can feel violent enough when the epicentre is close by.
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Re: Rotorua earthquake swarm

Unread post by tgsnoopy »

Greater Okataina volcanic region. Had a big series of quakes over a long period back about 2004. The first of which (Aug 2004) nearly threw Gary (KaimaiKid) and I into the flooded Rangitaiki river just before the stopbank collapse. It was an interesting day. I recall a topic in a forum at the time, but not sure which forum.
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Re: Rotorua earthquake swarm

Unread post by tgsnoopy »

Darn, thought it was before I found this forum.


I was the Geocache Reviewer back then and was very active in the GPS Scene. I was producing maps showing the quake locations. I got the first flooding photo's in the media & Gary sold quite a few of his. Sadly NZ Recreational GPS Society & it's forum are long gone.
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Re: Rotorua earthquake swarm

Unread post by tgsnoopy » ... c-drum.png

Still a few shakes ongoing. Be interesting to see how long they continue.