Looking for historical lightning data

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Looking for historical lightning data

Unread post by CbFan »

Left field one this.
Does anyone have, or know where I can source lighting data for Northland 14-17th April this year please?
Can only find realtime.

In relation to a warranty claim...

Many thanks.
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Re: Looking for historical lightning data

Unread post by TonyT »

There may be references to strikes in local media on those dates.
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Re: Looking for historical lightning data

Unread post by BeaconHill »

No idea of they keep historical data, but Transpower operate (in conjunction with the MetService) a detailed Lightning detection system that they use to help with Grid Operations. You could reach out to the comms teams of both organisations and ask them kindly if they do!?
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Re: Looking for historical lightning data

Unread post by Awhituobs »

blitzortung has history :

early hours of 14th april there was strikes in northland
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Re: Looking for historical lightning data

Unread post by ricky »

Certainly has a lot of strikes counted during that day here, must've been some decent storms around
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Re: Looking for historical lightning data

Unread post by CbFan »

That's what I was after, thanks Brian.
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