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WeeWX open source Weather software

Posted: Sat 20/08/2022 12:19
by GSVNoFixedAbode
One for the new hands, as I assume the old hands know of WeeWX open source weather software: from a cheap Weather station Display onto a Raspberry Pi Zero.

I'd set up a cheap & cheerful weather station (<$200) a few months ago: wireless station to LCD display unit (with USB port), and wanted some way of getting the temperature feed onto a website or image overlay to display. Of course, where the Display screen is best situated is nowhere near a PC! Raspberry Pi Zero to the rescue: after going down a couple of rabbit holes I came across WeeWX, had a read and thought this might work.

There are instructions for installation on a Pi that uses SD card storage (to save a bit of wear), and needs a light httpd server (in my case NGINX) to go with it. All instructions on their site, easy to follow. So Pi Zero hosts the SQLite db of weather data, website, and gets latest data from the main unit every few minutes, re-generating the graphs/reports per schedule.

To my surprise on first running, the software sucked in all stored data in the memory of the base display and I immediately had 4 months of data appear, and with graphs of all sensors appearing by default. Ok, colour me impressed! :D

Result: Arrowtown Weather (port forwarding through the router onto the Pi Zero itself)