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For today's weather discussion head to: New Zealand Weather & Climate
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Joined: Sat 24/01/2004 16:56
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Unread post by RWood »

Manukau heads observer wrote:i was just interested in the reasoning behind it, thats all
dont worry about it though, thats for sure
I haven't read any expert opinion/speculation on what NZ's weather would be like if Australia wasn't there. However Erick Brenstrum of MetService has stated in NZ Geographic article that if NZ were 500km further east (where lows often intensify), its weather would be significantly worse. Also it is known that much of the S Indian Ocean at our latitudes is pretty unpleasant (asymmetric Antarctic landmass and "nearby" continents).
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Unread post by 03Stormchaser »

RWood wrote:
Manukau heads observer wrote:i was just interested in the reasoning behind it, thats all
dont worry about it though, thats for sure
I haven't read any expert opinion/speculation on what NZ's weather would be like if Australia wasn't there. However Erick Brenstrum of MetService has stated in NZ Geographic article that if NZ were 500km further east (where lows often intensify), its weather would be significantly worse. Also it is known that much of the S Indian Ocean at our latitudes is pretty unpleasant (asymmetric Antarctic landmass and "nearby" continents).
All you need to do is take a look at the Chatlam Islands weather for an idea of what it would be like if we were more east
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