Canty Weather Watchers Meeting

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Canty Weather Watchers Meeting

Unread post by Skywatcher »

With all the recent thunderstorm activity in Canterbury it might be good to have another meeting to see the photos and watch the video footage.

I'd be happy to host it here and since Wednesday seems to be a good night how about either the 8th or 15th from about 7:30.

.... or is it too soon after the last one ?

Let me know if you think you'd attend and if you have a preferred night.

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Unread post by NZ Thunderstorm Soc »

Yes, I will be interested and possibly Bob Crowder as well.

Either date suits fine

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Unread post by tich »

I'm definetely interested, but can't make it if it's on the 15th - I'll be off to Central Otago to bike the rail trail (hoping for more settled weather than that of late). So I'd much prefer it on the 8th.
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Unread post by 03Stormchaser »

Probably cant get to either! working longer hours due to xmas!!
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Unread post by NZ Thunderstorm Soc »

03 Stormchaser wrote:Probably cant get to either! working longer hours due to xmas!!

Sad to see you can't make it, Steven. :(
Would love to see your footage :D

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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Yeah would love to go it would be my first meeting but sounds good either day. :D
Do you want me to bring some photo's and that? 8) .
Whats the Adress as well?.
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Unread post by Thunder »

Either date suits fine with me to.

No worries John, I've got Steve's footage. So we'll be able to watch it. He has to work till 9pm on those nights!
Aaron Wilkinson
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Unread post by Skywatcher »

Looks like the 8th is the day, then.

Pity you can't make it, Steve. You could always come along after you finish work although you might not feel like it !

Bring along any photos or video footage you think might be interesting.

I'll send an email with map, address and phone info shortly.
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Unread post by TonyT »

I cant do the 8th, but could do the 15th. Mind you, you probably dont want me along to spoil the fun! :D
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Unread post by Thunder »

It would be cool to have you along Tony at these things! I guess Amberley is a bit far away to travel though but if you can come, cool!
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Unread post by Skywatcher »

Tony, would another night be better for you next week ? Maybe Tuesday or Thursday ?

Can everybody else manage those nights ?
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Unread post by Thunder »

Yeah, no problems. Aslong as thunderstorms aren't happening I'll be there. Any night is cool with me. Not alot going on at the moment. :D

Steve B could also make it depending on what his roster is saying.

Edited: 10:01am

Actually if thunderstorms are happening I probably will be there. You've got a good vantage point from where you are! Nothing like enjoying thunderstorms with others who have a similar interest aswell!
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Unread post by TonyT »

Yup, I could make either the Tuesday or Thursday, its just the Wednesday I already have a meeting to go to (well, actually a friend's 40th birthday party!).
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Unread post by NZ Thunderstorm Soc »

Steven Graham wrote:Tony, would another night be better for you next week ? Maybe Tuesday or Thursday ?

Can everybody else manage those nights ?

Tuesday or Thursday this coming week is fine but the week after the Tuesday is out.
It would be good to have Tony there plus Bob Crowder/Clarry possibly?

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Unread post by 03Stormchaser »

Just my thought but i think its almost abit too soon since the last meeting!!
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Unread post by Skywatcher »

Probably wouldn't have arranged a meeting as soon if we hadn't had the three storms so early in the season.

I assume you still can't make either Tuesday or Thursday :(

Ben, Jason, would Thursday be OK for you ?
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Thursday is fine with me is that the 9th next week?
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Unread post by tich »

Ben, Jason, would Thursday be OK for you ?
Thursday (the 9th) is OK for me.
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Unread post by Thunder »

All good here. Looking foward to it.
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Unread post by Skywatcher »

OK, Thursday the 9th it is :)
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Unread post by Michael »

Guess it will be the 9th :oops:
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Unread post by Fujita Phil »

Sorry I'm lost Michael.

Was that the 9th? ;)
There is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes.
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Unread post by NZ Thunderstorm Soc »

Michael wrote:Guess it will be the 9th :oops:
Gales and SW that day?

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Unread post by tich »

It was a great evening. Thanks again to Steven for providing the venue (and the technology), and to the others who brought the spectacular video footage of storms.