Cold Week Coming Up

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Unread post by Thunder »

Yes John, I noticed that convergence. Clouds getting darker above me........ :)

Ahh, I predicted a thunderstorm when others couldn't!! :D But weak at that, so perhaps the reason why other's didn't think it's relative that much?
Aaron Wilkinson
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Unread post by C-Nimbus »


thats it..................

i'm moving to canterbury...............!

theres f#@k all going on up here so i might as well be where the action is.

how many storms have you guys had in the last week?! huh

its NZ's answer to Darwin.. Canterwin or Darbury!


one bored JAFA (Just another freindly aucklander!)

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Unread post by Thunder »

Hehe. Bob Crowder was telling me it has been a very thunderous time for Canterbury so I suspect were lucky this year. The storm today though I haven't heard/felt anything. All the way up in the foothills, nowhere near me. But none the less it is good these storms!

Steven G, I noticed 4 strikes on the detector pratically right ontop of you in Templeton. Have you heard or seen anything?
Aaron Wilkinson
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Unread post by Skywatcher »

Unfortunately the only thing I heard was a lot of interference on the radio at the time it picked up the close strikes :( Most of it was counted as "Noises" which is why there are so many.

Sounded like it could be over-modulation from an analogue portable phone :-k

I've changed the ranging correction value in the tracker software from -10 to -25 ... hopefully that will help without making storms on the plains appear too close :!:
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Unread post by Thunder »

Yes, I was about to ask if a washing machine or something was active near you but not to be. Lol.

Just got a call from Bob. He was out at Rangiora today and he heard thunder and saw a lightning strike (Cg) come down, also he got heavy rain. He reckon's the storm was somewhere between Rangiora and Oxford rather than what I said, "Lees Valley". Perhaps development initiated there? Good to hear none the less. It was in that direction..

Some really good heavy bursts here in Chch to but it's stopped now, only short lasting. No thunder in town to report.
Aaron Wilkinson
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Yeah I was out and about getting shopping out of the way before the mad rush came out of palms 3:30pm nice black clouds to NW with some nice shafts.
But unfortunatly only rain here with a small dolop of heavyish rain at the start but its eased now leaving behind 3.6mm and still a NW wind here very breezy though. :D
I also noted the clouds moving in from the north not the NW hmm very strange also some nice steam coming off the concreate as rain was falling puddles very warm too must have been a warmish sun before it clouded ova. I wouldn't know I was in the mall. :lol:
But it's now dead out there clouds just gone fully overcast not too cold though about 15.2dg here at the moment.
Perhaps the storm dissipated before it could really get anywhere :-k

North Canterbury the better side of the Waimak 8)
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

I notice a few CB's starting to push up agian in behind the cloud cover so maybe is it possable for anything to redevelope Aaron John? :? .
I also noticed Met Service have a thunderstorm warning up on the convection on a Moderate risk with hail 5-10mm in diamter which covers most of North Canterbury.
I dont think anything will happen now but remeber Feb 14th this year it did the same thing had a storm then went overcast then after dark a beast of a storm by the way Aaron what page is Feb 14th on in the Forum which you mentioned the other day?.
Otherwise its maybe Thursday that's if we get some good sunshine first before the change.

North Canterbury the better side of the Waimak 8)
North Canterbury the better side of the Waimak 8)
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Unread post by Thunder »

Yes, a nice little Cb moving off to the NE in satellite pics. Not active anymore and not very active overall but it's another to add to the list! Any lightning is exciting in my book!

Some ok rain falling in town now and may for an hour or two yet by the looks of things?

I'm also thinking tomorrow there could be something on the foothills. It depends on how far the NE is allowed inland tomorrow, and how high the dewpoint is and temp etc, a nice cold pool will float across in the afternoon (-22C 500mb). Not as good a chance as today but I think it's there! Then Thursday also could be good when the SW comes through, cold air at -25C 500mb etc. I'll see tomorrow morning what looks likely for tomorrow and then Thursday morning for Thursday. I'm not that good but getting better! I hope.
Aaron Wilkinson
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Unread post by NZ Thunderstorm Soc »

Yes, Aaron, Bob rang me up too to say that he saw lightning at Rangiora.
Not long after I posted my message, the Southerly did come through and hence the sferix stopped but about 4:15pm we got a heavy shower here (1.5mm I recorded) from a convective shower as the southerly brushed up again the N/Ne-ter.
Interesting weather this. losts of convective activity, looks like the S or Sw jossinling against the Ne this time, or vice versa :)

No more thunder so the alert is back down to 1

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Unread post by Thunder »

Those pages? This is one for that storm: ... c&start=30

Just read on from there

And this one: ... .php?t=309

With my first actual lightning photo that wasn't very good at all. :(

Hi John

Good to know someone saw something eh!

What do you think for the next few days?
Aaron Wilkinson
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Unread post by NZ Thunderstorm Soc »

Aaron J Wilkinson wrote:
Hi John

Good to know someone saw something eh!

What do you think for the next few days?

Buggered if I know??? :-k :-k :-k
Could be anything??
The prospect of thunderstorms is, actually, looking quite good, this depending on timing and sitation and the scenario.
This is quite different to what I was suggesting, say, at the beginning of November.
Raining ordinarily now with 8/8 overcast cloud cover.
No more thunder now sorry folks 8-[

Did anyone see the Envoirement Canterbury's Living Here newsletter for December?
Summer 04/05 - what will the weather be?

I have a copy of it and I will bring it along to the CWW meet at Steven Graham's on Thurdsay night.

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Unread post by tich »

Clouded over early afternoon around Akaroa with the cool southerly. Rain finally arrived just after 5PM with a 1/4 hour heavy shower, but no thunder or hail. Still cloudy.
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Unread post by TonyT »

Rain started around 1.50pm in Amberley and hasnt let up since (now 6.20pm). Winds have been all around the compass including a stint of quite fresh NE, then some SE, then N, back to SW. You name it, its been there. No signs of any thunder or lightning though.
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Unread post by tich »

Dry but still cloudy. A cool 12C out here. I notice while Chch got to 19C before the change came through, Ashburton only reachd 11C. Must've had cloud cover before the southerly hit.
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Small convergence

Unread post by Storm Struck »

Just noticed a small convergence out towards the NE of me which you will be abale to see on one of the pics I just took below. It looks very low but when I looked closer there's some CB pushing up in the the cloud cover I don't think anything will come out of it :? its too cold for anything now even if it does it will probly disipate before it gets to Kaikoura who knows strange we have had wind in all directions today as I say I had a NW wind when it started raining here (hmmm) :D .
The other pic which is in brighter daylight as you will see was taken around midday with some CB's out towards the Plains.

North Canterbury the better side of the Waimak 8)
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

And this is out towards the NW at midday today
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Unread post by NZ Thunderstorm Soc »

tich wrote:Dry but still cloudy. A cool 12C out here. I notice while Chch got to 19C before the change came through, Ashburton only reachd 11C. Must've had cloud cover before the southerly hit.
There was no change and the temperature droppage was only slight with a very gradual drop to 12C
This was with the rain which came in from the north? or south.
I don't know about these Ashburton temperatures. Seem about odd lately?
As bad a Kawerau with their national maximums? :roll:

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Unread post by spwill »

I reckon Invercargills average temps this week could be colder than Aucklands coldest winter week.
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Unread post by Thunder »

Not a very exciting day is it.

Upper isn't looking as cold today so only showers inland if anything happens.

And tomorrow the front is now coming through a bit early than previously forecast hence only hail in the forecast now. Oh well, we'll see what the model run tomorrow morning says.
Aaron Wilkinson
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Unread post by spwill »

There's the slight chance of Thundery showers in Canterbury at the weekend with that cold air flow over you.
The weather should turn warmer mid next week.
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

There still is a slight chance of something brewing up tomorrow morning I know a couple of times when a southerly has come through it eases back and it's still sunny but the showers havn't arrived yet and then they hit of course a cuople of times I have had some heavy ones because of that and one time a thunderstorm came through and did the same thing in 2002.
So who knows lets hope something happens if not yes (Spwill) it will defiantly be looking good for the weknd with good SW flow winds and fine weather should pop some good storms up have to talk about that at the meeting aye Aaron and others?.
But otherwise it's not a bad day today 8) I don't think those clouds over the Plains are going to go anywhere although there is that risk of the Strong Northerly coming in this evening to get them going.

North Canterbury the bettter side of the Waimak 8)
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

There's some nice thunderstorms over NSW check out the Sattelite.
Also on Storm planet .com they have Monday nights storms in NSW with some nice CG's.
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Unread post by tich »

Active volcanoes in inland Canterbury!? :lol: No just towering cumulus that I saw looming over the foothills as I was coming back into Chch this afternoon. (and the snow from Sunday's cold outbreak hasn't melted at higher levels)

The flow behind the front due overnight looks south/southwest, rather than southerly, so might not be that much for Chch. Maybe some hail at best, but MetService doesn't think thunder is likely here, though possible about Wellington and Wairarapa. (change due to hit later, allowing for prior warming by sun?)
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Just noticed some lightning strikes coming up the coast on the lightning detector hmm strange for this time of night.
Maybe it could be just picking up the strong wind noises out to sea who knows there is stuff on radar though.
Have to wait and see.
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Unread post by ricky »

that storm must have some quite strong lightning, its showing up on the auckland tracker!