An actual Cb sprung up just offshore this morning with a small anvil. Some other good looking clouds off the coast.
I'm just wondering if this SW has come through yet or not? It doesn't seem to be windy at all. On metservices 7am map it shows the front sort of holding back along the middel of the SI, it is southerly though but just not strong at all. Maybe it's all offshore?
Yeah, I noticed that small storm offshore last night on the tracker. It was actually off the coast somewhere between Oamaru and Timaru.
The flow behind the front due overnight looks south/southwest, rather than southerly, so might not be that much for Chch. Maybe some hail at best, but MetService doesn't think thunder is likely here
Turned out to be just dull and cold.; no more than a bit of drizzle just after noon. But ther was a bright red patch centred about Motunau Beach at 1PM.
Last edited by tich on Thu 09/12/2004 17:44, edited 1 time in total.
Just had Some nice CB's with a good convergence line as the NE went up against the Southerly wind some nice dark bases here and there and good anvil tops to the SW hmmm still pretty cool here though only 13dg.
Not sure about Storms yet but it is still looking ok here probly get some heavy rain tonight.
Whats it like out your way Aaron and others further south of me?.
Yes it does. We've got that rain over us, heavy at times but not like a downpour. Mostly it's just ok rain.
Actually, I'm just woundering. The situation for today could be very similar to the 25th Nov storm. We've got a rainband passing over us now and there is a clearing in behind it. With the moisture in the ground plus heating by the sun after the band has gone through we could get something? Upper isn't as cold so we'll need some goodish heat (whatever that is?? ) .
I guess this similar situation to the 25th is the reason for possible thunder on the Blueskies forecast. Makes sense to me. Sorry, of course Ange (Tony?) probably have other reasons, just a similar situation.
Although this time we have a S at the surface v's the NE we had on the 25th. Still, something to watch?
I thought we'd just get some brief showers (so I put my washing out), but instead got a couple of hours of steady, cold rain. But this rain's passed over now, though there's still quite alot of cloud around. Must be more white stuff quite low on the mountains.
Yeah mainly just been rain here a little heavy but its eased now maybe some good sunshine like you said Aaron and some nice heating and the Southerly isn't all that strong so the temp might go up slightly the cloud is breaking but ever so slowly.
Its only fed my raingauge 3.7mm since 12:30pm but all this rain becomes a bonus to the farmers that need this rain.
What do you think about Sunday Aaron? whats it looking like here because on the forecast for Sunday has it for possable afternoon showers along the east coast of Canterbury and looks like most of the showers are down south and it's clear up here especially during the morning.
Loks to be a light NE on Sunday with a high of about 18dg now it's just the depoint's we need.
Anyway here's what happend above me this morning as the NE went up agains't the Southerly.
North Canterbury the better side of the waimak
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On the Sattelite infarred over New zealand from weather zone shows some nice bright cloud up near Wararpa- Palmerston North I dont know wether thats storms or not .
Some beasts of storms in Victoria again last night (dam iam jelous)
Must be our turn again surely and I don't just mean Canty I mean most of New Zealand.
I believe I heard a radio mention of snow on the Desert Road overnight. Very cold start tot he day here in Chch - quite probably a light frost at the Airport.
Anybody got some ideas why highs are developing south of the Australian bight and lingering there, well stalling ! There is also a low pressure systems anchored to the south east of N.Z.
Me and the rest of the country are certainly getting sick of this situation..
High pressure in the South and Central Tasman with cool to cold SW flow over NZ is unfortunately a feature of our Spring and sometimes early Summer weather. This is a very bad spell of it.
During December low preasure forming North of NZ will help break up this ugly pattern.
Andy wrote:
Anybody got some ideas why highs are developing south of the Australian bight and lingering there, well stalling ! There is also a low pressure systems anchored to the south east of N.Z.
Me and the rest of the country are certainly getting sick of this situation..
I'd say probably because Australia is warming up too rapidly and then, developing very large, shallow low pressure systems which blocks out any high pressure ridge. The sky news weather shows a series of very large zone of low pressure for sunday 10pm.... All over Australia!
Did you get that one? I didn't relise you could fly fish.
There's actually interesting areas of instability outside at present. Still, perhaps happening a little late in the day when it's getting colder. Tomorrow could be interesting but then again the upper is getting warmer so yeah, all happening at the wrong time
Not to worry, storms will be about at some point in the near future. I'm just saying that in general...