Awesome Auckland Thunderstorm

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Awesome Auckland Thunderstorm

Unread post by spwill »

A great Thunderstorm over Auckland tonight. I was at a Xmas Function but managed to get away for 10 mins and took these photos from Mt Eden.
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Unread post by spwill »

About 7pm a line of strong Cb could be seen to our SW and these pushed slowly North into the Evening. Lightning became visible to the SW of Auckland as night fell.
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Unread post by spwill »

These photos were taken on a 18 mm lens( wide angle). I had to leave my vantage point after 10 mins as the heavy rain and hail arrived and missed photographing some great close Lightning.
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Unread post by spwill »

By 10pm the Storm was to the North of the City and weakening. The Cb line shows up well on Met Service 10pm Radar.
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Nice shot's there :D seen simular lightning here in Canty yesterday which I got on video camera but I also like night storms looked quite spectacular that storm over Auckland I guess what ya wait so long for you get good in reuturn as you have been waiting awhile for some good storms.
Heavy rain here now and a chilly gut wrenching 5dg outside with a stiff southerly.
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Unread post by Michael »

Lightning thunder and hail now ;)
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Unread post by GraemeWi »

Looks like a big cell went through South Auckland about 7am ish - heard police reports that driving was impossible in the Papakura area, blue on the radar and a very impressive looking satellite image.
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Unread post by spwill »

Just had a Thunderstorm here. The fifth in the last 18 hours.
This time the hail stones were larger than 1cm. Photo below.
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Unread post by Skywatcher »

Great pics, spwill =D>

As Jason said looks similar to what we saw down here on Friday. Lightning snaking across the base of the cloud and then vertically to ground.
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Unread post by spwill »

This mornings Storm was only brief. Here's another photo of hail falling.
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

it was awsome to watch it from here as it moved from being over us to moving over auckland!
this mornings CB just went to the south of us here, but it sure looked impressive over waiuku way!

what is the weather doing, its bizzare!
we have been colder than enderby island yesterday!

great photos !
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Unread post by spwill »

Photo of a strong Cb top just North of Auckland this morning.
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Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

photos of hail in the auckland domain this morning, sent to me by Charles and Nikki

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Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Unread post by NZstorm »

Last nights thunderstorm was interesting in that it seemed to be a persistent slow moving line which become noticeable about 8pm to the south and finally crossing Auckland nearer 10pm with a deluge of hail.
Lightning was infrequent, about every 1-2minutes, but some of the CG's were impressive.

And more weakish storms this morning with 1cm hail stones in Grey Lynn and a couple of CG's observed.
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Unread post by NZstorm »

Add just add, nice photos above. Lightning is particularly good.

The midnight sounding for NZWP has thickness at 5375, 500mb temp was
-28C. Thats an exceptionally cold atmosphere, I'm guessing a 1 in 10 year event.
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Unread post by Willoughby »

WOW! Those photos are great! :D
I think we missed most of the action, or was I sleeping? :?
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Unread post by Thunder »

Great stuff Spwill!!!! Good composition to. I like the blue colour coming from the lightning which is great where as the stuff I took has a more grey/pink look to it, I would've prefered if I got a blue colour to mine. I guess it's something to do with the rain falling??? Or the fact it was over land rather than water?

Good hail to! That's a nice Cb on the sat pic for Auckland this morning, just awsome!
Aaron Wilkinson
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Unread post by NZ Thunderstorm Soc »

Nice photos chaps :)
Yes it looked as though the thunderstorm was the same one that went through Pleasant Point near Timaru on Friday and what Steven photographed/filmed that night.
Again the storm didn't come over Christchurch.
THe sfricals were really going to town on Friday night but I was otherwize engaged :cry:
The in-laws have gone back to Wellington now so now bring on the storms.
They weren't really impressed with the weather here saying that they might of well stayed back home in England...but nevermind.

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Unread post by spwill »

TV 3 ran a story on their 6pm news tonight about a house in Auckland that was struck by Lightning last night. There was a very large hole in the roof and the strike started a fire. The owners had only been in their new house 3 hours.
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Unread post by ricky »

I can't believe I missed it all! :(
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Unread post by charlesg »

so how was wellinton ricky?