String cloud

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String cloud

Unread post by TonyT »

Check out the 19/12/2004 20:30 Noaa pic to see a remarkable cloud in the mid Tasman Sea. Its about as long as New Zealand, orientated NE to SW, across the wind flow, and probably only about 10-20km wide. Looks like a piece of string floating in a stream.
Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

watching the animation seq, its a bit of high cloud that got torn off and elongated from a upper level cloud sheet that moved off aust, by the high level rotating winds around the low just off NZ...(i.e the big curving jetstream)

at least that the way i see it (fee free to disagree, LOL)

but there are also long lines of altocumulus clouds in the tasman too (could almost be like street clouds)
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]