Archived NZ weather obs online?

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Archived NZ weather obs online?

Unread post by tich »

Anyone here know where I could access these, if they still exist online? I mean obs like those on the MetService website and the VUW (map of NZ) obs. The latter used to be archived for several days, but nowadays only the latest obs are shown, as with MetService. I'd like to find such obs, as since I had virtually no internet access while I was away, I missed much detail on the cold stormy outbreak. (it'd be interesting to see what daily temperatures were like, esp on Saturday)
Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

i used to have it all assimilated, and up to the last 9 hour ago data.....of the met service data.....until they shifted the location of the data, again,. and well, since the current data is available in a easy to read form, i stopped that system
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
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Unread post by Thunder »

There is:

which has archived obs going back a while for Chrischurch, Wellington and Auckland.

Just type in NZCH for Chch, NZPP for Wellington and NZWP for Auckland.

It also has other stations for NZ but no archived data, unless anyone can inform us both on that one.
Aaron Wilkinson
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Unread post by Willoughby »

Then click, current observations on the right, then select the time/date...

Last year the obs were very good, coming from all over NZ hourly with cloud 8ths, now it's just random.
Manukau heads obs
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Unread post by Manukau heads obs »

and check out ... ather.html

and then those stations will have history data availble
Brian Hamilton, weather enthusiast. My weather dataEmail: [email protected]
Posts: 3517
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Unread post by tich »

Thanks - interesting and useful sites. :)