Canterbury Thunderstorms for 21st/22nd, maybe 23rd/24th

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Storm Struck
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Scatterd CB's everywhere out here more mature CB's to SW and SE of me which iam sure Aaron can see whats it like near you anyway Aaron?.
ohh just spotted a nice black CB to the west of me just by looking through window don't know what it's like now out there hopefully better been on computer last 20 mins.
Just had a look at the one to the west of me it's developing very well and looking very thundery now also another thundery looking CB abit further around. 8)
Here's to today :D I see papper has heavy thundery showers in forecast for tomora now 8) .
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Unread post by Thunder »

Yes it looks very good out there.......but, no strikes on the tracker.

I think like yesterday things may form into a Cb and produce one or two lightning bolts but nothing serious gets going. We really need a S or SW for a convergence to develope, that's when we get a really good storm brewing.

There was a storm that yesterday morning was fairly intense, me and Steven G think this was due to it running into B'sP being pushed into it by the upper westely flow hence it fired off quite well. When looking at the tracker yesterday that's where most of the strikes occured.

None the less it looks good out there.

Tomorrow is actually looking quite dam good now! We'll see about this afternoon but upper temps will warm slightly. There's still enough for a storm there but we will need that southerly to trigger things off! Some nice clouds outside though which are nice to look at.
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Unread post by Skywatcher »

Light southerly here has just turned SW and started raining. Lots of dark cloud bases about :)
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Unread post by Thunder »

A bit of fun!

Maybe that might do it Steven G! Perhaps a convergence if forming?? We'll see!
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Unread post by Skywatcher »

Just heard thunder to the NW :D
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Unread post by Thunder »

Yes there is definately a convergence occuring out there today with strikes on the tracker which is what we want! Will be interesting to watch. I'm pratically infront of it so I guess that's ok, requires a run to the overbridge though. Might try the video function on my digital camera to see if I can get lightning this time.
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Unread post by jeffsweather »

Hearing thunder here at work (north west end of Christchurch) after quite a short, sharp down pour.
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Unread post by tich »

Big thunderstorm in central Chch right now, with heavy rain and hail. Loud claps of thunder (sounds like cannon booming), plus I saw 1 cg to the west, almost immediately followed by a thunderclap, so must be close.
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Unread post by TonyT »

Reports of 10 minutes of heavy hail in St Albans, plenty of lightning too.

Here in Amberley we had a CB blow over from the west with a period of light to mod rain, no electrical activity. Clearing now, and I can see the large CB to the south which must be bringing that hail.
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Unread post by TonyT »

A direct hit of lightning near Lancaster Park has apparently started a fire. The storm appears to be moving west to east and could be about to make a direct hit on Sumner (according to my brother who is watching keenly from the Price Waterhouse tower.
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Unread post by jeffsweather »

Big drop in temperature at my weather station, 10.4C at 12:30 after being 20.1c at 11:30. The 12:20 webcam pic shows the street gutters are quite full.
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Unread post by Skywatcher »

Saw a few CGs to the east looking towards the city !!! Temps are slowly recovering here with very light rain and almost no wind.
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Unread post by Thunder »

Some good lightning out there!!! I recorded some with my movie mode on my camera so we'll see how that comes out. A cg also must've struck right overhead of me (5 to 10 meters away). You'll hear a huge crack on the small movie I'll put up late. The alarm went off and finally stopped 5 or 6 minutes later. I didn't relise it was out alarm at first until I went outside. Streets outside are quite flooded.

Stephen B (03 storm) gave me a call to say the've had about 20 minutes worth of hail up to 10 cent piece size so that's pretty bloody good! He said it's blocked drains and there about 1 inch of water in the stock room at Briscoes Northlands. The car park is white there. I haven't had any hail in town but the rain was torrential! More later!
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Unread post by Skywatcher »

A couple of video stills hot off the camcorder ... ;)
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Unread post by spwill »

Great photo's Steven. :D
Looks like a beaut down there.
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Storm Struck
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Yeah I think I got one flash on Digital camera's movie mode and one on video camera weird storm has dissipated or something :? .
Nothing much here just a little bit of light rain which is slowing down now as the sun is coming out but man that looked beastly before it was like a roll cloud mixed with a thunderhead hmm strange.
Not sure will happen now as sun is coming out and sorta CB looking clouds to SW still the odd saferic now and then on radio.
What does everyone else think about the rest of this afternoon?.
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Unread post by 03Stormchaser »

what a storm that past!!
Had hail about hte size of 10c pieces!!!! sawplenty of lightning!!
have take a few shots although they are about an hour after the hail and lightning!! will post them later!
also just checked my rain gauge 16mm in about a 30-40min time period, and the storeroom at work has flooded! lol drains couldnt keep up with the flow, also saw too accidents on the way home, alot of hail still out there on the road!!
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Unread post by Thunder »

Oh boy, that was a good storm.

Maybe something else if another convergence develops, we hope!!

Here's a clip I did with my movie mode on my digital camera: ... 221204.mpg

It's a 2.53Mb MPEG. 26 seconds long. The continuous background noise is very heavy rain! Also a pic below of the building Cb and some flooding.
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Aaron Wilkinson
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Hehe nice TS to west sorta SW of me it looks good aye big CU behind a pitch black backdrop.
Now it's my turn hopefully as CHCH TS missed me just :( .
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

I am thinking it's all over for today it's got too cold it's now 12dg so yeah iam guessing not much from here onwards with alll this cloud about unless there's another reason why anything could pring up this afternoon please sing up now.
Tomora sounds good with it being Fine at first then that SW change with showers so if all goes to plan there might be a few TS with it.
What do you think Aaron and others about tomora and rest of today?
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Yeah just had some rain before moderate to slightly heavy eased off now and still cloud about but I can see improvements with some skits of yellow inbetween the clouds kool id better see some blue sky soon WE NEED HEATING :twisted: Maybe I shouldn't say this but if the sun breaks through nicly and only if then we may be in for an evening TS but on Johns scale I only rate it as a (2).
Otherwise it's off to see what tomora will bring us.
Ohh yeah as I said in earlier post when TS was around I thought I had got some lightning on digital and video camera well I didn't but however I got some pics :D which iam very pleased with and iam sure you will be too.
Is there such a thing as putting a rating on everyone's photo's today? (hehe) ;) .
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Storm Struck
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

And more photo's these one's show the TS for sure.
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Unread post by 03Stormchaser »

For you plant people all my dads plants in the garden were hit quite bad losing most of his young plants!

The second is of hail in the guttering, it was like this all round the house and much worse before I came home (had to go get my camers from home during my lunch break)

This picture is of hail size, these were the bigest I could find at about an hour after the storm had passed.
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Unread post by tich »

I was in Sumner when the 2nd bout of rain hit - this time no thunder involved that I'm aware of, but the rain lasted alot longer (only recently ceased). While hail blanketed parts of the city in the midday storm, here in the centre, while it was heavy it was mixed with, and followed by heavy rain, so didn't settle (at least where I live)
Last edited by tich on Wed 22/12/2004 20:32, edited 1 time in total.