Christmas in the Park (Christchurch)

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Christmas in the Park (Christchurch)

Unread post by Snowlover »

Hehe my very first topic!!! The weather is looking ok at this stage for Saturday night. The last few years have been horrible hope it is a nice night. Any thoughts to what the weather will be like? ;)
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Unread post by Weathermad »

I believe it will be mostly fine and theres a forecast of westerlies for the weekend...lets hope that is the case!
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Re: Christmas in the Park (Christchurch)

Unread post by Michael »

Sounds like Aucklands one,remember the one several years back 2001 or 2002 they were soaked ;)
Snowlover wrote:Hehe my very first topic!!! The weather is looking ok at this stage for Saturday night. The last few years have been horrible hope it is a nice night. Any thoughts to what the weather will be like? ;)
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Unread post by Snowlover »

tonight would have been the most perfect night for it :(
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Unread post by Snowlover »

I see the wind has changed to a southerly damn it!!!! :cry:
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Unread post by mikestormchaser »

Dont worry bout it Snowlover i believe the weather is going to be a very nice evening for people who are going to xmas in the park! as jasestrm said possible shower or two but mainly over the peninsula i would say aswel.
Still quite warm actually out there at the moment around 25C right now.
Thunder looking good for tomorow? :D well well have to wait and see. ;)
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Storm Struck
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Unread post by Storm Struck »

Actually never turned southerly but has gone a cool NE with a few weak bits of CU going up here there.
Going by the fact it's a strong SW down Dunedin way and NE in Oamaru and Timaru this could be something to watch for stormwise tonight but more likly on the Peninnsula just weather for thought :lol: .
Otherwise it's all eyes on tomorrow's skies.
Looks to have been the odd strike inland from Rakia before on tracker too.
Canterbury, home of good rugby and severe storms