Longest dry period in the last 8 months is ?

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Longest dry period in the last 8 months is ?

Unread post by dija »

Since my recordings started May this year till now, Total of 8 months.
Is a whooping 8 days :shock: (which btw occurred in August)

Its really has been a wet Winter, Autumn and even the start of summer (even though summer is still awol here) :?
Was playing around customising my weather display software (Thanks Brian) and inserted the custom tag %recorddaysnorain% which gave the figure.

now using it as part of my customised screen. ;)

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Unread post by Michael »

Just a total lack of N and NE winds
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Unread post by RWood »

It has to happen sometimes, Michael. 2005 had a lot of easterly weather, it was a very mild and sunny year for the nation as a whole. We had 975 mm rain then, and already over 1560mm this year with contributions from heavy rain events from both NW and S/SE.