A request for Michael

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A request for Michael

Unread post by jrj »

Michael, can you please give us the web address for the troposphere DX prediction charts again, it's coming to that time again.
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Unread post by Michael »


As usual no FM DX due to the cold conditions :evil: :cry:
NZ Thunderstorm Soc
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Unread post by NZ Thunderstorm Soc »

As usual no FM DX due to the cold conditions :evil: :cry:[/quote]

Why should a locomotive pushing a guard's van be cancelled owing to the cold weather?? ;)

Gary Roberts
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Unread post by Gary Roberts »

Interesting stuff! I remember as a kid on the Coromandel Peninsula occasionally being able to watch US television broadcasts after the NZBC had closed down for the night. Grainy and unstable, but certainly watchable. Quite a novelty at the time, I thought.
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Unread post by jrj »

Thanks for that.